Chapter Three

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Camila's POV

My mom was watching Toby while I went job hunting and I wasn't having any luck so far. No one seemed to be hiring and it was getting extremely frustrating. I don't want to depend on my parents for everything; I want to be able to get my child what he needs on my own. It wasn't about being too proud or anything but I decided to have him he's my responsibility not my parents.

After a while of job searching I decide to grab a coffee and maybe a pastry. I ordered my food and also asked if they were hiring but they weren't. I took a seat and waited for my order to be ready while I waited I called my mother to check up on my son. She said that he was doing okay so I was fine.

Soon my order was done I got it and sat back down and I started eating. I wondered what I was going to do about work; I would like something that didn't take me away from my son all day preferably.

I was limited because I only had a high school diploma I didn't have any trades or anything. I couldn't work in fast food anymore because the thought of it made me sick to my stomach. My pregnancy ruined fast food for me, which now that I thought about it wasn't really a bad thing.

I just wanted something with nice pay and decent hours that's all I needed.

I was sipping my coffee and looking at the background on my phone which was a picture of Toby, I miss that kid so much when I'm away from him. It's crazy because I never thought that I could ever feel this way about someone, he was the love of my life. I never had a real honest to god relationships, platonic or otherwise. In my short life I learned that people are untrustworthy and will screw you over if they had the chance. I know because I've done it several times. I was a terrible person now I understood why all this was happening to me. Karma.

"Is that your baby he's really cute?" A woman said.

I looked up to see a woman standing beside me.

"Yes he is mine, thank you." I said to her.

"What's his name?" She asked.

"Toby," I said.

She smiled. "That's a nice name it suits him, I always admired a simple yet strong name. I have this friend who gave her kid the weirdest name, like I have no idea where she found it." She shared.

"I heard a pretty weird name on a kid yesterday, it wasn't an ugly name I just never heard of it before." I said.

"I just think that when you name a child you have to take into account all the stages of their life not just when they're kids." She voiced.

"You're exactly right, do you have any children?" I asked.

"Oh no, I don't want any children." She said.

I smiled at her. "I don't think I've ever heard a woman say that before, I like that. All woman don't necessarily have to have kids, just because you have a womb doesn't mean you have to use it." I said.

"Exactly, like men have seeds but they don't necessarily have to plant them." She joked.

I laughed genuinely at that. "Amen, to that."

She gives me a smile. "I guess I'll get out of your hair." She says.

"Wait, are you eating alone?" I asked her.

"I am actually." She says.

"Why don't you sit with me?" I suggested.

She smiles. "Sure why not?"

She takes a seat at the table.

"I'm Camila by the way." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Camila, I'm Allyson but you can call me Ally." She said.

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