Chapter Six

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Lauren's POV

"So your baby daddy's getting married, are you heartbroken?" Dinah joked.

I laughed. "You are insane."

"I'm just playing around, but how do you feel about Trevor getting married?" She asked

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"I'm just playing around, but how do you feel about Trevor getting married?" She asked.

I decided to spend the day with Dinah she came over to my place; Dino was with Trevor so we enjoyed some wine and just lounged.

"I'm excited; nothing's going to change really. I think that they may start having babies though, I know that Addie really wants some kids of her own." I said.

"What about you? When are you going to get married and have more babies?" She inquired.

"That is literally the farthest thing from my mind." I told her.

"Why, you should want to settle down? Just think about the next child you have the gap between that child and Dino would be huge." She says.

"I really don't think that's a big deal, besides I don't know if I want any more kids. Dino is perfect and I'm more than satisfied with just him." I said honestly.

"Okay, kids aside what about the settling down part. Don't you think it's time?" She pried.

"You end up in fucked up relationship when you put a timer on when you should settle down. I'm not rushing anything especially when I have a child to think about. I don't get it why are you pestering me about settling down when you aren't, neither is Normani or Ally." I pointed.

"You're the only one whose heart is opened to the notion of falling in love. The thing that drives you to be a mother and nurturer isn't as strong in us. You need to care for people Lauren and that's just something you were born with." She explained.

"That's sweet Dinah. I do feel that way, my heart is open but it's not opened to getting hurt. That's why I want to take my time; if I get married I plan on it being forever. So I'm waiting for the right person." I said.

"I understand, I shouldn't be pushing you but I would like to see you happy with someone." She says.

I give her a smile. "One day."

She returns my smile.

"So how is Camila doing, I haven't seen her since the fiesta night?" Dinah asked.

Fiesta night was several weeks ago and Camila hadn't hung out with us since, not that I hadn't tried.

"She seems very distant, she'll come to work and does her job but when I ask her questions she's really stale with me. I could tell that's she's been through a lot and is still going through a lot. I told her she could open up to me but trust is very hard for her." I said.

"I could see that she's shut off, I wonder what got her that way." She pondered.

"I would like to know that, but I don't want to force anything out of her."

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