Chapter Thirty

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Lauren's POV

Camila and I struggled for a little while, I realized that Camila needed time to get used to the idea of me having this baby. We both agreed to keep it to ourselves for the time being. So besides Trevor we were the only ones who knew.

I went to the OBGYN to get a check up seeing how everything was with the baby. It was healthy for the most part, my doctor just lectured me about my diabetes and all of the risk factors. I also found out that I'm due two months after Camila gives birth to our baby.

My diabetes has been under control after I modified my insulin doses, I also had a rigorous meal plan in order to make sure my sugar doesn't get too low or too high. I was healthy and the child was also so for right now I was okay.

There was no actual date for when the trial was being held, it was just a bunch of bullshit. I didn't understand what the holdup was. It seemed pretty open and shut to me, that was until his parents showed up trying to get him to plead insanity.

It was all fucked and I just wish it was over already, this trial is what's going to kill me. I constantly had to relive the assault because of the lawyers and the prosecutors. It seemed like I was on the phone with the lawyer's more often than not.

I have been reading up on woman who have been through the same thing and how most of the men weren't convicted. I've read about woman who've gotten pregnant by their rapist and it was very informative. The decisions these woman made weren't always easy but most of them were proud of the decision they made for themselves.

The decision to keep my baby isn't an easy one by a long-shot but I know that it's the best choice that I could make for myself. I wasn't a spiteful person, I didn't hold onto grudges. Once I let something go that's usually it for me. It's easier to live your life without any hangups because life is too fucking short. I pitied Mark more than anything, I knew that he will be punished for his actions one way or another.

Now it was all about getting my body and mind on track, I had a life and a beautiful family. I didn't want to dwell on this my entire life, I wasn't going to fall into the victim mentality. I had to learn to be a survivor from a young age and I've been fighting the good fight ever since. This wasn't going to tear me down, it was building me up to be stronger.

Dino and Rio have become thick as thieves and I was so happy for my boy. Rio brought something out of Dino I never seen before he had this confidence about him now.

We found out that Shay was a divorcee she got married young and stayed married for eight years before calling it quits. She moved from Chicago to Buffalo, NY while Rio stayed with her ex because of custody issues. She recently gotten full custody of Rio now he lives here, only seeing his dad on holiday's.

Rio was a very strange child, he said weird off the wall things and was very silly in nature. He was an amazing artist and had such an interesting way of seeing things.

It seems like he was here more than he was at his own home, I don't know what was going on with Shay but I wouldn't want my son gone all the time like that. Rio's excuse for always coming over is that we were really cool and that he liked hanging out with us.

When I took them to play laser tag he said that that was the most fun he's ever had. I had a feeling that Rio was a bit sheltered, he seemed so fascinated with everything.

I got up particularly early one Saturday morning and I decided to make a big breakfast. I loved cooking and I wanted my family and I to sit down and have a nice breakfast this-morning. Just when I was halfway finished Sofi walked into the kitchen and I gave her a smile which she returned.

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