Chapter Two

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--Sofia is being portrayed by Jenna Ortega.


Camila's POV

Since I've been on my own the only thing I could feel now is anxiety and fear. I use to live day by day now I can't stop worrying about tomorrow. It was so hard living this way; to be so scare that you'll end up living on the streets. I never thought I would end up in this situation but this is what my parents have been warning me about. Your actions have repercussions and this is where my actions lead me.

It's been two weeks since Mark left me and everything has been going terribly. Since I had no money for daycare I had nowhere for Toby to go so I had to take him to work with me. My boss didn't like that at all so he fired me, I begged him not to but he was a mean guy.

I was quickly running low on money, with the motel stay plus everything that Toby needs. I needed another job fast, but I knew that without childcare I wouldn't be able to get one. I had no options and I knew if I didn't figure something out in a day or so Toby and I would be forced to live on the street. I couldn't let that happen especially since the temperature is dropping.

My last resort was to swallow my pride and pay my parents a visit; it's been so long since I've seen them let alone talked to them. They could very well shut the door on my face because the last time we spoke it wasn't pretty I said some very nasty things to them. They only ever wanted what was best for me and I just threw it in their faces, I deserve to get the door slammed on my face but I'm praying that they won't.

I took the bus to get to their house the closest the bus got was a few blocks so I had to walk the rest of the way. I unfolded Toby's stroller and I placed him in it and strapped him in then I put a blanket on him. Adjusting his diaper bag on my shoulder I started walking towards my parent's home, and with every step closer the more nervous I became. I had no idea how they would respond to me showing up on their doorstep, and with a child no less. They had no idea that I had a child so it was no telling how they would react to him.

Soon I was standing in front of my childhood home that I hadn't been to in over three years. I seen both my parents cars parked out front so I knew that they were here. I looked at my son for a moment before making my way up the driveway to the front door.

I took a breath before lifting a hesitant hand up and knocking on the door. It didn't take long before the door opened revealing my father and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Camila." He said.

I give him a small grin. "Hi dad."

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I um-I wanted to talk to you and mom." I stuttered out.

"We haven't seen you in nearly three years, we thought the worst." He said.

"I'm sure you did, but here I am." I told him.

He just looked at me for a moment. "All things considered you don't look bad."

I give him a smile. "Good to know, can we come in."

"We?" He questioned.

"Yes, my son and I." I said pointing to the stroller.

Surprise took over his face. "You have a son?"

I nod. "I do, we could go inside so you can meet your grandson."

He looked hesitant. "Yes come in."

I pushed the stroller inside and my dad closed the door behind us when we got farther into the house I took Toby out of his stroller. I looked back at my dad and he was staring at Toby with and unreadable expression. I took off his beanie and jacket and placed them into the stroller along with the diaper bag.

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