"No, princess I could watch it another 1716 time. If it's with you I could never get bored", he declares in his deep velvety voice, inserting the DVD so it projected on the big screen. It's really cool, because Mason has in his room a projector and a white wall, so it looks like we're in the movies.

    "Beauty and the Beast it is", he says, plopping on the bed beside me.

Once a week we will always hold a movie night in his bedroom while cuddling closer to each other. We would always watch Beauty and the Beast the cartoon version.

It's like a mini sleepover with your friends, except that it's with your boss/friend/beast and you also live in the same house. Reminds me of those time with Liz and Nate, time really flies.

He lays down, searching his comfortable position. After he has found it he takes a hold of my head, placing it on his chest, engulfing his arms around my whole body. I snuggle closer to his warmth which I've become habitual with, surrounding my arms around his neck. He tucks my head under his chin, making me listen to his razing heart beat.

    "It's the 6th time watching Beauty and the Beast. Is it your favorite movie?", he asks me, tightening his arms around me.

    "Actually it wasn't, but now it is. The Beast reminds me of someone", I giggle in delight.

I feel him smile. We watch the movie in a comfortable silence. I'll sing in my false tone with the characters, making him chuckle. He will play with my hair and once in a while kiss the crown of my head, smelling my hair.

"Actually", I speak up in the middle of the movie.

"Yes, princess?", he responds in his deep velvety voice, turning a strand of my hair around his finger.

"You know we are friends", I begin nervously, looking up, meeting his warm metallic grey eyes.

"Yes", he indicates for me to go on.

    "You can tell me everything on earth. I swear I'll keep it a secret", I plead, my eyes getting a tint brighter.

    "What do you want me to tell you?", he chuckles breathily in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

    "Do you like... do you like...", I stutter out feeling nervous to ask him. Is he going to be angry? Is it invasion of his privacy?

"Do I like what?", he asks serious, seeing my nervous face.

    "Do you like boys?", I blurt out.

His eyes pop out in surprise. His mouth gapes open to his knees. He looks at me with a blank face, clearly still in shock.

    I probably look like a dead fish.

    "I mean if you like boys that wouldn't make a difference. You would still be my friend. I would still cook you macaroni and cheese. I would still close the refrigerator behind you. We would still watch Beauty and the Bea-"

I get abruptly interrupt by a dazzling laugh. I look up seeing Mason having so much fun as if he was laughing at the best joke ever told. His laughing soon turns into snorting and then into wheezing. I look at him with a blank face.

Yeah, definitely a dead fish.

    "Sometimes I really think you're blind, princess", he states after calming down from his laughter.

    Wait. Did he just insult me?

    I just cannot.

    "My blind, princess", he mutters in my ear, placing a tender kiss on my earlobe.

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