Q&A: Answers

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- Not a question but next time you see Harry you should act nice and like rose and then be like SIKE BITCH and beat his ass
"I can't fight him, sis. Or out-run him. I've tried."


- What is wrong with you

"Nothing is wrong with me"

- What are you trying to accomplish by killing all those girls?

"I just want Rose. I don't WANT to kill them. It just turns out that way"

- Fuck wrong with you, boi? Why did you burn Kim?

"The burn has to be there. It's not right if it's not. Rose has a burn"

- Do you lowkey see ghost too?


- Are you avoiding kim because you know what you did is horrible and can't explain why you did it?

"I CAN explain why I did it. I know what I did hurt but it had to be done. Now, I'm waiting things out"


- Are you dead?


- How did you die?

"Harry got upset. He hurt me"

- Do you hate Harry?

"I should. But I don't hate him. A mother could never really hate her son no matter what he's done. But I am saddened by him. He's hurt me and many other people"

- Why did you choose to live with Harry's family in the first place?

"I was dirt poor and homeless and they were kind enough to offer me a place to live if I watched their kid. Mrs. thibodeaux's kindness was deceiving and I didn't expect to not be paid actual money but I couldn't complain. I also didn't expect for things to turn out the way they did"

Josephine / Manon

- Where you one of the family's slaves? Is that why you want to take revenge out on Harry?

"Yes, we were. And yes, that and other reasons"

- Why you hate them white people? What they do to you?

"They enslaved us. Killed us. The Thibodeauxs have historically been horrible people. They don't deserve to continue their lineage"

- How come y'all don't help Kim escape?

"We need Kim. We can't kill Harry without her"

- Why do you haunt her [Kim] and not Harry?

"Haunting him would be petty revenge. We want him dead. We come to Kim because we need her"

- Did you have something to do with that other kidnapped girl's suicide?

"Hardly. We didn't want her to do that. Harry's foolishness and seeing us was too much for her to handle. She couldn't take it. Having to deal with Harry... my god. If I wasn't already dead I'd kill myself too"

- Do you make Harry do those bad things?

"No. That Satan spawn does those things on his own and further proves how horrible the Thibodeauxs will always be. It's in their blood to cause harm to our kind"


- Why don't you leave your bum ass husband?

"Excuse me, my fiancé isn't a bum. He can just be a stupid man. Like they all are"

- Not a question, just a simple suggestion. Y'all should suck a dick, maybe choke on it. It would really help open your eyes and realize how much of ignorant pieces of shits y'all is.

"Ma'am, you have no right to speak to authorities that way. Should watch your mouth before it gets you in trouble"


- My grandmother told me voodoo is nothing to play with. It can actually reverse on the person doing the spell.

"Voodoo isn't anything to play with but it's not all bad. It has a bad rep because of Hollywood and Christian normatives" I'm not 100% sure yet but I believe that karma thing is real. But I mean, just don't use it for evil ‪¯\_(ツ)_/¯‬

- Was it hard for you to come up with the concept of this story?

"No I actually had a lot of fun coming up with it. I'd recently watched some movies and went through my imagines chapters and got the inspo but I didn't want the main character to have Stockholm Syndrome because that's pretty unrealistic (but I kinda had to implement it so I did that with Rose's character). It started with the idea of kidnapping and then from then on I was just like 'ooh! And imma do this and this and then this.....' lol"

- Did you enjoy writing harry's character in this book?

"Yes. Again, because of realism I didn't want it to be like 'aaaw maybe he's a good guy. Maybe they're meant to be. I support this!' I wanted him to be genuinely fucked up like a real crazed kidnapper would probably be and I really enjoy creating fucked up people. Which is why I also will forever love Roxy from my other book"

- Where do you live?

"H-Town. Hold it down. Space city. Home of the MLB champs, Beyoncé, NASA, dirty sprite, the best people ever and chopped n skrewed 🤘🏽 lmfao (we always have to be extra when we answer this question)"

- Where is the story going to be going between Harry and Kim? Will she escape soon?


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