27. Worry

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Rose's journal entries

       I'm starting to worry a little about Harry. He's scaring me just a little. He's gotten so close to me— closer than usual. Sometimes he even comes into my room at night to sleep with me without feeling afraid or traumatized by a bad dream. He comes just because he wants to. He's gotten so clingy ever since the accident. What scares me, though, is the little questionable and slightly inappropriate things he does. I know he's a child and I shouldn't question things like that from him or accuse him of ill intentions but... he'll stare at me sometimes, or find any reason to hug me— and they're different hugs. I don't know how to explain it. I'm not 100% sure, but the other day, while I was changing in my room, my door was cracked open— which I was aware of. What was strange was that I felt like someone was watching me? I don't want to accuse him of peeping because I didn't actually catch him. I had a talk with him yesterday. He was at the breakfast table, practicing his writing. He called me over to check his work and when I leaned over to check and tell him he did good, he said thanks and kissed my chest... a little too low. We talked for about 20 minutes about inappropriateness and boundaries. He apologized, but I don't think he was truly listening.


Mrs. Thibodeaux is starting to aggravate me more than usual. She's gotten bossier with both Harry and I. Half the time she's not around or ignoring him, the other half she's yelling at him. She's not a good parent and I hate to say it but... I think it's best she didn't have that second child.
She sometimes makes this job harder for me than it needs to be. I used to excuse her behavior by assuming that maybe she's just this way because she lost a child, but I don't know, losing a child shouldn't make one spiteful toward the other and definitely not a condescending bitch to the one that actually takes care of her child. There's been a few occasions where an argument almost erupted between us but I hold my tongue. If I disrespect her as much as I want to, she'd fire me. I could quit, but that would result in me leaving Harry behind to be entirely raised by incompetent parents.


I took Harry to the park today. Not the park that's not really a park, but a real one in the city. I figured he needs to spend more time around other children. I sat on one of the park benches and let him run off to socialize and play. I noticed that he was a bit distant with the other children at first. Standoff-ish. He'd even sometimes look at me as if he wanted me to come save him from a child trying to interact with him. After some time, he'd gotten more comfortable. Not entirely, though. While he was on the swings near where I was sitting, I was elated to see that he was laughing with the other kids on and around the swings. Everything was okay until another child approached me. It was very innocent, but next thing I know, Harry had run over to us with an upset look on his face. I was going to ask what was wrong but he whined, "No," to the little boy and nudged him away. I scolded him and the little boy— who must not have understood— got closer to me again. Harry completely flipped and pushed the boy to the ground, making him cry. He was angrily screaming at him and I literally had to pull Harry away from him and embarrassingly leave the park. I'd never been so appalled and angry with him like I was today.


I want Harry to go to public school. I worry that he won't form the proper social skills he'll need in life. He needs outside interaction and influences. His parents insist on him being home-schooled and I truly don't understand. I don't understand how they could be so blind and not see that it would be what's best for him. He needs to go now while he's elementary school level because if he goes later— if he ever goes— I fear his lack of social skills and street smarts would make him an outcast. I also fear how badly his dependency on me could affect him in the long run.

The last entry was ripped out but an edge piece still remained in the book.



"She'd be"


Was pretty much all I got from the scribbles. Just my luck that a chapter about Manon, one that I really need to read, has been ripped out.

(These aren't all the entries in that journal btw just like important ones.)

Lol remember when I was like, "finals is coming so I might not be updating as much!"


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