"Does it matter who I'm into?" I scoff.

"Oh, no. I just, I was making conversation."

"Right." I give a nod and turn my back to her. Well, she's a little... forward? Deciding the think nothing of if, I focus on my work again.

A few minutes later, I feel a tap on my shoulder and glance behind me once again. "Yeah?"

"Don't you think Professor Hamilton is kinda hot?" I can see her drooling over Normani, and although I want to knock her on her ass, I know that I can't. I also don't have the option of being openly jealous.

"Um, she's our Professor. I don't think of her as anything other than that." I give her a look and she smirks.

"I don't care what she is, I'd take her all day long." Watching her bite down on her bottom lip, I actually want to kick her very hard in the shin. She can think again before she starts undressing Normani with her eyes.

"Whatever keeps you entertained." I laugh and turn away. I catch Normani watching me, so I give her a simple smile and drop my gaze.

Thirty minutes later, and a clearing of the throat from the beautiful professor, I look up to find her leaning back against the edge of her desk. She has that freaking skirt on again, and I swear she's opened an extra button on her pale blue silk shirt. Fixing my gaze on her, I allow my mind to take me back to this morning. It was perfect. Waking up next to her, her showering in my bathroom, her scent around my apartment... It was just, I don't even know.

Walking to campus this morning, I'd wondered why the hell she would want to be at my apartment when she had a beautiful home of her own, but I quickly pushed those thoughts from my mind when I remembered how nice it was to have her snuggled next to me last night while we watched a movie. That's what I want. Someone to just hold at night. Someone who doesn't need conversation to feel connected. Just the simple touch of her hand is enough for me to know that I'm connected with her, and I know she feels the same. Sure, we had hit the sack and had hot and steamy sex, but we didn't get carried away before that. We didn't pounce on each other like a pair of teenagers whose parents were away for the night. She may be seven years older than me, but she doesn't show it and neither do I.

I could see she enjoyed just kicking back with me. It could be that she wasn't one for partying every night. Even though she seemed extremely professional when we first met, you could even say your typical up her own ass teacher, that couldn't be further from the truth. Outside of campus, she was a totally different woman. Perky, happy, and very sweet. I know that I've totally fallen for her, and I know that anyone else is now ruined for me.

"Miss Jauregui?" Her voice bringing me out of my thoughts, I blink a couple of times and narrow my eyes. Shit!


"Are we keeping you from something important?" She raises her eyebrow and I can't help but blush. She knows what her facial expressions do to me, and right now, I could take her on that desk her perfect ass is resting against.

"N-No." I shake my head.

"So you will be ready and fully prepared for your test on Friday?"

Clearing my throat, I remove my gaze from her perfect cleavage and smile. "Of course."

"Good." She gives a nod and turns her attention back to the rest of the class. "Okay, guys. Pack up and get out of my hair."

Giving myself a few minutes to calm down, I slowly pack away my things and scrape my seat back against the hardwood floor.

"Professor?" That same voice from earlier calls out as she passes me, almost knocking me against my desk.

"Yes, Kehlani?" Normani glances up from the papers on her desk.

Forbidden Fruit जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें