Merry Christmas/X mas

Start from the beginning

Cole: Yeah i dont mind and sense its the holidays for my favorite customer you can get both of these items for free i dont mind.

Wolf: Are you sure no here how about just 100 credits you need some money to work with.

Cole: No its fine you can have it.

Wolf: Ok but next time i will pay double next time.

Cole: Hey i heard about Winter seems like theirs so saving her is there so what will you ehrn you two fight for good can you kill her.

Wolf: I dont know really shes stronger then me and Xicor is on a whole new level from me and who knows how strong Vix is speaking of her have she stopped by here lately.

Cole: Vix yeah she stops by every now and then just to talk she sure is hyper some days.

Wolf: Yeah oh i forgot i need to catch up with Nepgear thanks for the Metal i needed see you later.

Cole: Bye *Thinks does she see the darkness rising in her i hope she does even i felt it Hells angel huh haven't seen or felt that form in years but can she control it no theirs no need to ask she can but its going to be a hard time doing so*

Wolf ran back to the store where her and Nepgear were when she got there Xicor vix and Uzume were talking to her wolf came up and said hellp and wanted to know what they were talking about.

Wolf: Hey whats up everyone decided to come see us.

Xicor: Yeah that and i had to see how your recovering.

Uzume: He would not stop worrying about you but i understand you are his little sister so i with you two wait im dating both of you.

Wolf: *Smiles* Yeah but i guess it was hard getting use to me like this.

Uzume: Kind of but i got used to it and now were here so how about we have a good Christmas and have some fun. 

A little later Kuro was walking down around town with Kurome and decided to visit Uzume and the others.

Kuro: Hey Wolf what are you doing out here working on some weapon or something.

Wolf: Yeah a mace for CC hes been training lately so i wanted to give him a weapon because well im going to put my heart and soul in it.

Kuro: Ok i think he would like that go for it well i got to go get stuff with Kurome so see on Christmas day.

Kurome: Bye Uzume bye Wolf.

Kuro and Kurome walked inside a store while Wolf and Nepgear said bye to Xicor and Uzume and went back home Wolf and Nepgear started to walk back when they got Home Neptune and Plutia were working on the tree wolf went to work on the mace in another Room while Reki came over to bring some some snacks for the party and some for just Wolf.

Reki: Hey wolf what are you doing.

Wolf: Just working on a weapon for CC.

Reki: Oh ok well i got some cookies and other snacks for the party and here made some cookies for you. 

Wolf: Thank you um im working on something for a lot of people one for you to i think you will love it.

Reki: Ok im sure i will im going to go now.

Wolf: Ok see you on Christmas day.

Reki: Yeah love ya bye.

Wolf: *Thinks how long have we been friends for now 13 years now and still going were both at the point where our body will stop ageing i think im going to do something nice for her really nice.*

Wolf started to work on the mace after a while she made it and then fell asleep by her desk so Nepgear decided to come check up on her when she saw her at her desk the put a blanket around her to keep her warm it was the next morning before Christmas. 

Wolf: Dang it i still got work to do i need to Polish the mace to make it a little clean but still i got to make Reki a gift and Leo,s s And Nepgear.

Nepgear: Hey Wolf are you ok you still seem tired.

Wolf: Yeah i still am i got more work.

Nepgear: Ok well i well let you work.

Wolf: Thanks i need to get stuff done.

Later on Wolf started to work on the other stuff  she worked on A new model  N-Gear For Nepgear and the the rest of the gifts Wolf went to her Room and laid down on the bed and closed her eyes a while after she did Leo came in to give her the present and laid it right by her on her desk it was a necklace made of Hell flames in cased in a  type of ice that cant be melted even by the hottest flames she got up and saw it but she left it there and went out to the observatory where Nepgear was looking out at Planeptune.

Wolf: Hey Nepgear something on your mind.

Nepgear: Yeah all the stuff thats been going on with you and everyone else its making me worry.

Wolf: Well dont im fine and everyone else there fine to but why did this pop up its fine.

Nepgear: I just dont want us to end i dont want you to die please try to take it easy.

Wolf: *Pulls Nepgear in close* Dont worry im fine here.

Wolf gave Nepgear her the new model N-Gear she made and smiled Nepgear hugged Wolf tight.

Nepgear: Lets stay like this forever.

Wolf: Yeah and also merry Christmas.

Ok im so sorry if this is not what many expected but i did my best and im sorry again for being a lot slower i will get back and work more so thank you and have a good Christmas. 

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