It's A...

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I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold I got the month of May
I guess you can say what got me feeling this way...

Keith's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off 9 in the morning and I'm tired. This time zone change got me all of but today we find out the gender of our beautiful baby. I got up and began getting ready for the day quietly so I could make breakfast for my queen with out her getting up before I could do it.

Once I walked out of the room I made my way to the kitchen and I prepared her breakfast.

"Damn Keith Mani is hella lucky like you got everything she loves", Beyoncé said watching me prepare it.

"Yeah I gotta treat my queen like a queen"

"That is what I like to hear I'm a proud mama"

"Thanksss I gotta quick question"

"Go for it"

"Well we kinda got a deal with Blue"

"God my child has y'all good she's so sneaky and fast but go ahead as long as y'all don't have nothing more than an ultrasound" she said laughing.

"Alright I will stay on top of that and yeah she's just to adorable and excitsd to say no too" I said finishing up the breakfast.

"Okay have a nice time" she said and I walked out and back into our room where Mani was still sleeping.

"Maniiiii... babyyyyy", I said into her ear gently shaking her.

"Go away Im sleeping", she mumbled out.

"No mamas you gotta get up I got food", I said and she sat upwards.

"I heard food I'm up", Normani said.

"yes here you go now eat up", I said putting the tray on her bed.

"Thank youuu I love you so much", she said tearing up.

"Dont cry my queen" I wiped her tears as she continued eating.

"It is because you're so amazing like I just can't"

"Yes you can" I kissed her forehead.

Doctors Office ~ Normanis POV

"You excited Blue Blue?", I asked.

"Yes yes I wanna see baby", she said jumping around.

"And today we know if it is a boy or girl" Keith said.

"Mrs. Normani" the doctor called out and we all walked into the room the doctor directed us to.

"Come on in I see you guys brought a little one", the doctor said kneeling down to Blue.

"This is my little sister Blue she wanted to see the baby", I said introducing her.

"Okay well then let's do the check up you can take a seat Mrs. Normani", the doctor said and I got up on the chair. Keith looked at me and my growing belly and smiled while Blue stared around lost. He's always been so excited for this and its the best thing ever.

"Ready to find out if its a boy or a girl?", the doctor asked.

"Hmm babe you wanna let it be a surprise and we find out with the rest" I asked Keith.

"I think let's find out and tell them", he responded.

"Okay, Blue the doctor is going to tell us if it is a boy or girl but you can't tell nobody yet", I said and Blue nodded.

"I pinky promise" she said sticking out her pinky and then wrapping our pinkies.

"Yes doctor we are", I said.

"Okay just lay back on the chair and raise your shirt up so we can see the little baby, so dad what are we hoping for?" ,she asked.

"I don't wanna pick" Keith said.

"Alright well let's see", she said putting the gel on my bump up on the screen appeared our baby.

"Wow I cant believe this actually really", I said looking at the screen.

"Believe it so this the head here is the little feet and there are its hands that are still growing" the doctor said pointing out the body parts "Heres the big reveal ... It's a girl"

Blue and Keith both had a very shocked look all over there face it was a mix of wow and yes.

"Oh my goodness yesssss a little girl our Lil princess" Keith said.

"I know I'm so happy I can't believe it" I said finally breaking my silence.

"That her there", Blue said pointing to the monitor.

"Yes Blue there she is", I answered.

"Hi baby I think you're my sister now" Blue said.

Keith and I said aw at that it was the cutest thing ever she was confused and happy at the same time. She didn't know she was an aunt so it was adorable.

"Blue Blue she is your niece and you are her aunt because Normanis your sister", Keith explained to her. The doctor smiled and lightly laughed.

"Your daughter is growing up very healthy and Normani you are also doing well so keep going on but I'm going to prescribe you so pregnancy pills took make sure you stay that way all you have to do is take one a day and thats it", the doctor said wiping off the gel and putting away her equipment.

"Okay thank you very much" I said sitting up while Keith and Blue began getting.

"No problem I'll see you at the next appointment", she said and we all walked out of the room.

"This here is our little princess", he said rubbing my belly.

"Sure is hopefully soon she starts to move for mommy and daddy", I said smiling.

"She can move in your tummy?", Blue asked curiously.

"Yeah as soon as she's big enough she will start doing it", Keith answered.

"Oh", she answered.

"Hey let's go get stuff to do the big reveal", I said.

"Yes yes yes yes", Blue said jumping up and down as we walked out.

"Yes oh my this gonna be fun" .


We wemt to the store and got a few things in the color sets of baby blue and pink. They were little shoes and toys that really could throw someone off. Then we got a tiara, pink bow, and pink shoes for the beach box we were going to our family and girls. Blue gave us the idea of putting them in separate boxes for everyone. We set them up in the parking lot so no ome could get a peak of the gender.

"Okay Blue now you can't tell anyone if it is a girl or boy until they open their box and find out", I said.

"Okay I promise" she said.

"This is gonna amazing I'm nervous" Keith said.

"Don't be everything gonna be just fine"


reactions coming soon

To be continued ....

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