The Problem

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No es amor lo que tú tienes se llama obsesión
Un pensamiento en tú mente hací funciona el amor

2 weeks passed

"It's the last day in Mexico and I'm 21 weeks as of today and my bump has gotten pretty big" I said looking into phone camera as I rubbed my bump. I finished recording and walked out to change into a nice outfit. Now as I'm getting bigger its harder for me to conceal it but Jill has helped me find outfits that make it not noticeable and comfortable too.

"Y'all ready to head out for our last adventures", Keith said as we finished getting ready.

"I just need my shoes and I'm ready", Jill said putting on some shoes.

"Im good to go" I said walking to the door.

"We got everything and the house is ready for leaving right?" Keith asked.

"Yeah we good let's get going have fun before we run out of time bro" Jill said.

"I agree" I said walking out the door.

"Okay then let's go" he said and they walked out of the house.

We got in the car and drove to all of our favorite spots we had visited. Then afterwards there was this restaurant were they were playing music and we decided to go eat there. The place was so joyful along with the music it was just perfect place to be in there were a lot of older couples dancing seeming to enjoy life. We were sitting there just watching them until someone randomly approached us.

"Usteded vayan y bailén" the older woman said and we stayed silent "No entendien ... Michelle ven aca" with that said a young girl came out and they began to talk.

"My grandma said you guys should go out there and dance have some fun" ,she explained to us.

"Oh okay then Mrs. Powers would you care to join me for a dance" Keith said reaching out for my hand.

"Of course Mr. Powers" I answered as I held his hand and we walked to the dance floor. Jill sat back and watched until someone approached her and asked her to dance. She joined us as we all danced for a long time until we realized time was getting short and we left.

Once we left we went to the beach for a while our last time being on that beach. It was sad to realize we wouldn't have this chance but it was nice experiencing it. Jill took us some pictures in which Keith had his arms around my bump. There were so many photos throughout this whole trip the girls are gonna be jealous when they see them. I made sure to bring back gifts for everyone though they're gonna be very surprised when Jill comes with us.

Time crept up on us, we saw the time and went to our place to pack up then leave to the airport. Everything was packed all we had to do is wait for our flight. There at the airport I saw someone that looked really familiar.

(Keith's POV)

Normani, Jill, and I sat on the seat at our airport terminal relaxing until I saw my ex approach us.

"What are you doing here you're supposed to be in jail", I said.

"I got bailed out boo and um you're restraining order is gone so I can be around you" she said holding the hands of a child.

"Oh well bye have a nice life" I said waving her off as Jill and Normani watched her carefully.

"Yeah just as soon as you meet your child" she said signalling the little boy to wave.

"You got me mistaken because that isn't my child I never got with you like that never once and you know it" I told her.

"He aint falling for your fake bait boo move along I bet your baby daddy waiting for you over there" Jill said and Normani pointing the direction.

"and maybe then you after that you can find some decency" Normani said as we all laughed.

"She's crazy if she thinks that is my child", I said.

"Yeah I bet she knows the dad too", Normani added.

"For sure she doss she just desperate" Jill said.

We heard our flight started boarding and we all got on the plane.

"Goodbye Mexico For Now" I said looking out the window.

The plane took off and we began our long flight back to Los Angeles to see our fam that we missed. I will miss Mexico but soon we are going to find out of our baby is a boy or a girl which is really exciting.

At first I had a preference but now I don't know if I feel the same. We all had seats next to each other I sat next to Normani as she dozed off I rubbed her baby bump. I have never been this in love and happy in my life as I am now. I'm so lucky to have this I have a wife and soon a child that will be ours along with such a beautiful family even if we aren't all blood related. I'm also am glad to have Jilly along with us she makes things more funnier.

My ex could do anything to try and split us but there is no way she will succeed. My love for Normani is so deep that literally nothing can tear us apart and now one got nothing on us.

After a few hours on a plane we finally made it to LAX where Mr and Mrs. Carter were waiting for us. I helped Normani with her luggage so it would be easier on us.

"Long time no see you guys welcome back", Beyoncé said.

"Yeah it's been a while thanks it's good to be back" I said as we all hugged.

"Yeah but we're back" Normani said

"Not to be rude is she with you guys?" Jay asked pointing to Jill.

"Oh yeah sorry I didn't introduce you guys this is my sister Jill she's from San Fran ae invited her while we were in Mexico.

"It's nice to meet you Jill anyone in Keith's family is welcome" Beyoncé said as they shook hands and Jill silently fangirled. She was loosing her cool and Im watching her dying.

"Same goes for me welcome to the family" Jay said doing the same as Bey.

"Thank you man you guys are so nice I got more fam now and you might wanna keep the family to certain levels our parents are the inspiration behind the Grinch" she said making us all laugh.

"Wish I could say it wasn't true", I said

"Nah you don't they barely stopped being salty",Jill said and I laughed so hard my face was ready.

"You got him good girl I didn't know he could be so red", Normani said

"Thats my specialty"

Normani's POV

We left the airport and went home to see my girls waiting for us all with a sign.

"THEY'RE BACKKK" Dinah yelled as everyone huddled around us and hugged us.

"Girls you're the best I missed you" I said as they all hugged me.

"Yo I thougt you said you wasn't bringing back another child has it been that long" Dinah said looking at Jill.

"They wish I was their kid and nahh but that trip was lowkey long especially them nights if you know what I mean" Jill said and she winked.

"This is my crazy sister Jill" Keith said.

"You gotta spill details later cause mani wont tell me and I like you already" Dinah said.

"Thanks and yes you gonna be SHOOK"

"Jill stop giving  our secrets away" Keith said


"You're  very beautiful  Jill", Ally said and all of the girls nodded.

"And that makeupp yessss honey slayyy" Lauren said clapping and we all laughed. 

"Outside is nice and all but I needa seat lil buggy want me to sit" I said rubbing my bump.

"Alright everyone inside" Dinah said putting on her captain hat.

"Okay Dinah let's bring it down one notch but yes let's go",my mom said as we walked in.

"Okay I got ya Bey we good Lauren Ally remind me to keep my captain levels low"

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