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Hey baby don't you know that everything will be alright

"You're left ankle is sprained and your right twisted but didnt sprain all you have to do is put something cold to relieve the pain another doctor will be here to check on your baby", the doctor said.

Keith and Normani were currently sitting in an emergency room after Normani fell down dancing .  They were worried that their precious little girl could of been hurt.

"Well good thing it's not broken", Keith said as held Normani's hand.

"Yeah but what about our baby girl", Normani said looking down at her baby bump.

"I think she is fine you both are warriors", Keith said and then kissed Normanis forehead.

"Hello so I was seeing your file and you fell down how did that happen", a doctor said walking in.

"We were dancing and some girls purposely made me fall", Normani explained.

"Oh you sure are on active mom dancing pregnant you go girl, I'm  going to check on your baby and make sure nothing happened to her or him do you know the gender?" the doctor said as she pulled out her things.

"Yeah it's going to be a girl", Keith said.

"Aw how cute so this is dad I'm guessing", she asked and Normani nodded.

"Let check for the heart beat first", she said putting the baby monitor on her they heard the heart beating and Normani let out a sigh.

"Oh man that's a huge relief" Normani said smiling.

"I can imagine that now lets do a quick ultrasound so we can see her and be as sure as we can", the doctor said.

Normani raised up her gown and doctor put the gel over stomach and then the little camera they saw the baby. She was moving a little bit and they watched her move for a second. Dinah walked in as they watched the monitor amd the baby.

"Oh I came at a wrong time I'll be back", Dinah said turning back.

"No Dinah you got to meet the lil harmony",Normani said.

"Ooh Captain Dinah must see her new passenger on this ship", Dinah said walkikng in and looking at the screen "Oh my goodness she's so beautiful from what i see ah man she has both of your faces its just everything aah"

The doctor chuckled a bit, "Your baby is doing just fine I don't think you should have any problems just take it slow also you are about to be discharged so you can go home and rest just let the nurse come back with the papers."

She wiped of the gel and began putting away her material and Normani pulled back down her gown.

"Dont get back into that dress we brought you your favorite sweats and a comfy shirt let me go get it", Dinah said walking out quickly.

"Her reaction tho I didn't think she would react like that it was priceless tho and cute", Normani said to Keith as they waited for Dinah.

"Yeah I never saw the soft side of hers that intense until now wait till the baby is born wait speaking of our little princess we need a name for her", Keith said and he began rubbing Normani's stomach.

"Yeah for reals we got 3 months left and still no name" Normani said and she looked at her bump.

"Dont worry we'll come up with something soon our princess won't go with out name", Keith said and then he kissed her bump.


"Where's Lauren", Keith asked as they got in the car.

"Umm you know that girl  who tripped you well she isnt the only one who got arrested", Ally said as they got in.

"Yeah she dragged her down to the ground and beat her up the girl learned somehing and they are in a holding cell dont worry Lauren's fine I think everyone is already scared of her after they saw the other girl plus the lawyer is popping her out asap she'll be back by tomorrow", Dinah said making Normani laugh.

"I love that girl but she didn't have to beat her up at least she learned a lesson"

"Thats my girl got some justice for Normani"

"Oh my god you guys I can't believe" Ally said.

"What a part of you must agree with because that girl did worse", Dinah said.

"Okay yeah never mind"

"Dinah broke Allysus" Keith said and everyone laughed.

Normani's POV

We are finally home I can finally be comfortable and free from clothes. As much as I can relax my feet were killing me from the fall earlier. I sat on my bed taking a few selfies a few of them of my bump and others of me. I have taken a picture of every month along with a video for each month to keep it as a memory.

"Angel", Keith said running into the room.

"What?", I said

"Let's name her Angel", he said sitting next to me.

"Hmm what about Angel Jane" I said.

"Sounds perfect I love it little Angel Jane let me guess because of Dinah"

"Yeah obviously she's been like the one that just always been there for us",

"Shes gonna be so happy"

We heard a knock on the door and I stayed on the bed while Keith went to see who it was and it was Lauren.

"There the girl of the year" Keith said clapping as she walked into the room.

"I'm back thanks to Diana it's me I have came from jail", Lauren said making a dramatic entrance.

"Welcome back Lauren girl of the year", I said clapping.

"How are you feeling Mani?", she asked.

"Good except for the pain of sprained ankles", I answered.

"How about lil harmony"

"She's good as well she just finished her little kicking and moving marathon"

"Woah.. Hey princess dont give mani too much trouble please do it for your aunt Lauren" she said then planted a small kiss on my stomach.

"You wanna know what her name might be", I asked her.

"Ooh yes"

"But you can't tell nobody yet"

"My lips are sealed"

"Angel Jane", Keith said before I could say it.

"Hey I was gonna say that", I said.

"O my gosh Dinah is gonna loose her chill and that's so cute I love it", Lauren said jumping on the bed.

"Ok but you have to keep it a surprise for her", I said

"Have you thought about the baby shower for the little one?", she asked.

"No not yet", I answered.

"Well then don't worry Dinah, Ally and I will be in charge of that you take it easy let your ankle heal", she said walking out "well goodnight I'm tired Jail was a pain the butt"

"Night Lauren", I said.

"Mani I think its time we got some sleep too" Keith said.

"Sounds good to me", I said.

"Goodnight mani", he said climbing into the bed and the putting his hand on my stomach.

"Goodnight Keith"

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