Angel Jane

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Keith, Normani, Beyoncé, and Dinah walked into the labor and department unit all rushing on getting Normani checked in. The baby was coming and she wasn't taking forever this arrival, they finally checked in Normani was 5 cm dilated. She came out in a wheel chair and everyone walked to her room she would be guving birth.

"Can you believe I'm gonna have a baby my baby our baby", Normani said excitedly.

"Our baby", Keith held her hand and she tightened her grip.

"We gonna wait outside for a second", Beyoncé said and they entered the room and waited for a few minutes.

"You guys can come in now", Keith said.

Normani was on the bed with a strap over her bump checking the babies heartbeat, she was smiling excitedly just like when it all started.

"Damn Mani you a warior I would of chickened out if I where in your shoes", Dinah said rubbing her hand through her hair.

"Maybe if the excitement wasn't going then I would of done the same you know they check down they could feel the head", Normani said to her and Dinah stared.

"Oh mah gosh yeah no. No kids from me although they're adorable"

"You say that now"

The monitor noted a raise in pain level and Normani grunted the contractions where getting closer by the second. She was sweating slightly from the pain, but her husband was wiping it up and giving her kisses. Keith wasn't going to let her go through this without making sure she knew how much he valued her. He was in awe thinking about how tough she was and how she has always been.

When he met her she was slightly shy but she was trying to get out of the element and he loved her since then. Then their first make out with Bey, the day they ended in the accident she pulled through. Normani handled all the ex-girlfriend problems and still loved him and she always stuck with him. She made Keith apart of his family when he didn't have family and helped out his sister too. Keith appreciated her so much even after getting married he saw her through the pregnancy and all the high risk bad moments. Now she was here giving birth to their first born like a champ and he couldn't be happier.

"Normani you don't know how proud I am of you. You are my warrior", he held her hand as she tightened her grip.

"Aww baby thank you", she saud releasing her hand.

An hour had passsed she was contracting every minute and very close to ten centimeters dialated which meant she almost made it through.

Ten minutes later, the doctors came with what their tools just for incase of an emergence, it was time for another check to see how dialated she was.

"Okay Normani you're ten centimeters and the baby is trying to get out. We are just setting up cna you sit up? Dad can we have you come over here?", the doctor said.

Normani and Keith followed the directions while the doctors set up, Beyoncé and Dinah were next to her also being supportive on the side.

"You can do this Mani", Dinah said on the side with the camera on her.

"Yeah you got this we are all here for you", Bey said Normani took a deep breath and prepared herself.

"Okay now we need you to begin pushing", the doctor said and Normani followed her.

"Aaah", Normani yelled out as she pushed more.

"I almost see the head keep doing what your doing remember take deep breaths", the doctor said.

"You're doing amazing", Keith said hold her arm.

Normani pushed harder and yelled, never did she think she would be here in this situation. She was giving birth to her first child and with the love of her love on the side supoorting her.

"Just a bit more she's almost out", the doctor said.

Keith held Normani's hand, he had always admired her strength and how she never gave up. Since day one he knew she was the one by the way she carried herself, Normani was everything to him. Normani stuck with him when his ex went all crazy, even after the big crash, and all the more ups and downs. She was rider since day one and made through the whole tough pregnancy. He couldn't believe they were about to have a child their first child it had him over the moon.

After a few more minutes of pushing the room began to be filled with the sounds of baby cries and sighing, Angel was finally here.

"Congratulations Normani you have a healthy baby girl, dad would you like come over and help us cut the cord" the doctor asked he nodded and followed the directions.

The nurses wrapped the baby in the blanket and gave it to Normani, Angel was still crying but less than when she first came out.

"Aww my precious Angel don't cry mommy got you, and daddy is right on the side", Normani said wiping her forehead as she calmed down.

"She's so beautiful she looks like you baby", Keith said holding her hand.

"Yooo mini Mani is in the house, she's so beautifullll I think I am gonna cry, I can't handle the cuteness", Dinah said looking at them.

"Keith you wanna hold her?", Normani asked.

"Yesssss", he said excitedly.

Keith picked her up and rocked her a little bit she looked at him for a while and so did he, he was in awe with her the little seconds he already had with her.

"Hey baby Angel daddy's got you, he will always protect you and you have the best mommy in the world the baddest bih in the game. She is perfection like you ... and both of us love you so much already baby", he said to her, Normani watched and smiled at his words.

"Bey you got tissues?", Dinah asked covering her face.

"There's some here I was about to start looking for some", Beyoncé responded with her head down, the girls didn't want anyone to see them cry but it was almost impossible. They got the tissues and let tears out then acted like nothing happened.

"I think she hungry", Keith said as she cried again.

"You ready to try and breast feed her?", the nurse asked and Normani nodded.

She pulled down the gown and followed the nurses directions which were pretty simple and clear. Soon enough Angel got the hang of it, she was eating a lot already.

"She's gonna love food just like her mom", Dinah said looking at Normani.

"Yeah I can just see it them too, she finna be slim thick and eating very well", Beyoncé said and everyone laughed. After Angel finished eating, Beyoncé and Dinah finally got to hold Angel and talk to her for the seconds she was up.

A little while later a nurse came and gave her a quick bath, then Keith dressed her up and took a few pictures of her before putting her back on Normani. Normani fed her again until she fell asleep again after that they put her down and let her sleep.

"She's so precious I can't believe she is ours or that we created her", Normani said.

"I know, you're a warrior mom I love you so much", Keith planted a kiss on her lips.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be, but damn mission accomplished", Normani said and they laughed.

"Im so excited to spoil my baby", Dinah said looking at Angel sleeping," Oh yeah Aunt Dinah gonna spoil you Angel"

"I can't wait for everyone else to meet her tomorrow", Normani said.

to be continued...

Angel is here these are gonna cute next chapters.

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