To Be Named

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"We can't seem to pick a name so we would like your help in choosing a name
We're stuck between Angel or Brooklyn
Please choose then write it down on the paper and put in the box"

This was written on a mini board at the entrance of the hotel room on the mini stand. There was a box paper and pens set up to let everyone choose. Normani and Keith were out getting a massage together but everyone else was returning from the hotels water park.

"Oh damn I get to choose a name for the baby", Dinah said getting a sheet of paper.

"I wanna pick too mama can I pick", Blue said looking at the board.

"Of course write which you like better Angel or Brooklyn on the paper", Beyoncé said giving her a paper and a pen.

"Brooklyn baby my hometown gotta rep", Jay said as he wrote his answer.

"Obviously you would say that", Beyoncé said smiling and writing too.

"Al's what is your answer let me copy you", Lauren said and everyone looked at her.

"Lauren it isn't that hard just pick one", Ally said looking at her.

"Finee I got it", Lauren said grabbing the paper.

"This is a perfect time to plan this baby shower before Normani gets here and we can't do it while she is here", Beyoncé said and she pulled out her laptop.

"Alright let's see" Dinah said

2 Hours later

"We got the themes check , decorations are on their way to our house, the games have been decided themed, the food is also been chosen, and the invites have been sent" Lauren said as everyone sat in on the couches.

"We were quick", Dinah said.

"Yeah and Keith totally liked our ideas" Ally said.

They had been coming up with ideas for a while but the have fully set up the theme and idea all they needed was to set it up and the date. Finally, the actual work of setting it up would take to do on the day.

"Now all we wait is for the name", Beyoncé said.

A while passed then Normani and Keith were back joined with everyone ready to find out the name. The box was filled with paper and now it was the big moment of truth Angel or Brooklyn.

"PSA, PSA, PSA Attention, attention I got to mention They talking about it It's all over Twitter Let's make it official", Lauren said pointing to Normani and Keith holding the box "Ps that is a new song I low key been coming up for our next album",

"That was cool I liked it", Beyoncé said.

"Thanks now let's know if it is Angel or Brooklyn take it away you guys", Lauren said.

"Alright let's see Mani can you count it up for us", Keith opened the box and Normani looked at the paper and began counting. There were 2 for Brooklyn and 3 for Angel. Normani whispered to Keith the answer and he smiled.

"Y'all Ready?", Normani asked and everyone nodded.

"Her name is Angel Jane Powers", they said together and Dinah stood there confused.

"Waiittt y'all where did you get the Jane?", she asked.

"From the captain of the ship there was no way we were gonna forget it", Keith said and Dinah pulled both of them into a tight hug.

"Surprisee", Normani said hugging her back.

"Hey why not Blue or Ivy?", Blue asked confused.

Everyone laughed when she said that and then Beyoncé explained to Blue why not.

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