She's Coming

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2 months later
"I can't believe this I almost have my first grand child", Jay said.

The whole family was together having breakfast like they do often, Normani smiled and kept eating her food.

"Yeah how far are you?", Beyoncé asked.

"39 weeks as of today, this might be the last check up we go to. Im so nervous about labor and taking care of a child"

"Aww don't worry we got child care down with Bey and meeeee. Don't forget I have had to care for about 6 kids being myself a kid", Dinah said.

"Yeah I know but it still doesn't stop me from being nervous", Normani answered.

"You are going to be amazing at this you've been preparing for this and so have I. We gonna get through this together", Keith said hugging and kissing her.

"Aww y'all be goals", Ally said clapping at them.

"But they ain't letting us eat comfortably. No more couples PDA Please I would like to get through my meal", Lauren said and everyone laughed at her.

"So whats the plan for today?", Beyonce asked.

"Doctors appointment and shopping", Normani said.

"Fixing these problematic Nailsss" Dinah said

"Retouching my hair", Ally said

"Sleeping and chilling with Mila", Lauren said.

"Coloring, playing with bubbles, and watching more cartoons", Blue said and they all awwed.

"Bey and I just gonna relax too honestly we've been working pretty hard", Jay said smirking.

"If you gonna 'relax' please do it in a sound proof room please. I need some rest and not re-explaining it to Camila", Lauren said and everyone had their eyes wide open.

"How funny you too Blue's starting to get curious with the visits", Beyoncé said and Lauren blushed with embarrassment.

"SHE GOT YOUUUUU", Dinah exclaimed.

They all laughed everyone knew how the jokes went except for Blue, whatever was said wasnt taken to seriously or as offensive.
It was near the time for the check up and Normani was struggling to pick an outfit to wear for the day. Everything didn't really fit anymore like at the beginning of the pregnancy she was frustrated.

"Why doesn't anything fit?!", she yelled frustrated.

"You're close to birth Soon it will fit once Angel is in your arms", Keith said walking in.

"Yeah but for right now its not so you have to help me I don't know what to wear", Normani said.

"These jeans, this top, and these shoes", he said laying out the outfit.

"Give me a second to get dressed", she began getting in the outfit and Keith walked out. She fixed up her hair and did her make up not to big but it was still nice.

"We are gonna be late come on Normani we got to get going", Keith said grabbing his keys.

"You doing too much you're forgetting I am super pregnant", Normani said walking faster.

They were headed to the 39 week check up the baby was getting closer to being here and they were nervous and excited. Keith and Normani got in the car and drove off to the doctors office to one of their final pregnancy check ups. They walked in waited and soon enough they were checked in.

"You ready?", Keith asked her as they walked into the room.

"Nervous but I'm pretty good", Normani responded.

"Hello Normani congratulations you have made it to 39 weeks you are full term. How are you feeling?", the doctor walked in.

"Super pregnant and I've been in some belly pain sometimes I feel like I tightens up", Normani said.

"Well that means times getting closer she is almost here she seems healthy and so do you. Let's get an ultrasound as this might be your last one", she said winking.

Normani pulled up her t-shirt, after the doctor put the gel on Normani, they saw their baby as she moved slightly in Normani's stomach.

"Aww look at her, I can't wait for her to get here", Keith said excitedly.

"Well the wait shouldn't be too long there will have to be an induction at 41 weeks", she explained to them.

"Okay what's the livelihood of that?", Keith asked.

"Not sure honestly but the way the baby I positioned she's coming pretty soon. You two have a nice day keep eating well also practice the breathing methods", the doctor said wiping the gel off Normani. Keith and Normani got up and walked out, they set up the forty week check up.

Before they went home they to Carter's too look for hospital outfits since they didn't know when or how long they would be there. After that they went to target and bought some baby products and the final things for the hospital bag. Finally they went home, Normani was more than glad to be home it meant she could be asleep and with out pants. She slept comfortably until she felt a pop and liquid running through her legs internally she cursed at herself.

"Keitthhhh", she yelled at feeling the first contraction, Keith ran up as fast he could to see what was going, "She's coming"

"Yesss wait I got yah honey you wanna go right now to the hospital?", he began getting her shoes and his shoes.

"No not yet my water just broke and the contractions haven't really started kicking-", she stopped and took a deep breath.

"Another one squeeze my hand baby", he said pulling out his phone.

"Oh my god that hurts worse than whatever you call pain", Normani sighed.

"I can only imagine but let's begin walking a little bit and maybe make it faster, but first let me put your shoes on", Keith bent down and put on Normani's shoes.

"Lets take it slow tho", Normani got up and stopped "She isn't taking forever these contractions are getting close"

They walked down the stairs slowly and Normani went to sit on the couch and she pulled out her phone to call the hospital. After the call she did a little of walking around stretching to keep her mind off until her parents were coming.

Mean while at Carter Home

The call came in from Keith, "Normanis water broke the contractions are pretty close we need to get to the hopsital"

"May I get everyones attention", Beyoncé yelled out.

"NORMANI IS IN LABORRRRRRR", Dinah yelled out excitedly.

"Geeee I haven't said anything but yess",Beyoncé answered and everyone joined up fast "Jay and I are going we have space for one and then 3 of you must stay with Blue"

"Im going Im going this aint my first rodeo", Dinah said putting on her shoes.

"Lauren, Camila and I will watch Blue for you guys but I think you should get going", Ally said.

"Why can't I go?", Blue asked.

"Mani isn't going to be feeling well right now and it is going to be too much for you to see but you get to see her tomorrow with Angel. Now mommy and daddy have to go and drive them I will see you tomorrow be a good girl", Beyoncé told her and Blue nodded.

"Alright I will get the car started, Bey and Dinah go help out Mani and Keith", Jay walked to the garage.

This is is the big change is coming the family Keith and Normani dreamed about was getting closef by the second. It was terrifying to both but exciting, although they were first timers they had a lot of help for parent hood.

Short update well kinda ... I didn't know what to do for the final months tbh but I felt like I was kinda pushing it too far. I was not happy waiting anymore so I finally time jumped to this portion the next update will take a while because I'm a big perfectionist tbh.

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