The Interviews

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"What should I wear hmm?", Normani said looking at the rack filled with many outfits.

"I think you would look amazing in this and since we going to the beach you should wear this under", Keith said pulling out a flowy blue dress along with a matching blue bikini.

"Thank you baby I'm definitely going to wear it", Normani said taking the outfit to the dressing room and changing into the outfit

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"Thank you baby I'm definitely going to wear it", Normani said taking the outfit to the dressing room and changing into the outfit. Keith looked at his rack and chose out a white t-shirt and blue beach shorts. Then Normani had her make up done to go along with the blue theme.

"Come over here Mani", Keith said with his phone out.

"Okayy", Normani said and he took a multiple photos of them then recorded a few snaps in their matching outfits.

"Y'all ready?", the photagrapher said with her camera out and the rest of her crew followed her around.

"Yeah", Normani and Keith said simultaneously and they walked to the background they had for the first part of the pictures.

"Keith wrap your hands around her bump and kiss her cheek"' the photographer said and Keith followed instructions.

The photographer took many photos as the changed multiple photos. Theb they went out to the beach and toom more photos a few with the blue dress and then the rest wuth the bikini.  They went into the water for some of the pictures throughout the whole photoshoot they had multiple kisses.

Finally, it was time for the couples interview which was something they never had really done. Their relationship was not really a huge celebrity thing where they talk about everything to the public.

"Surprise welcome to this interview", Beyoncé said as they sat down on the chairs they had.

"Well this got a lot easier", Normani said.

"I know its Yoncé I already know it's gonna be lit", Keith said.

"Y'all are to sweet but yes this gonna be fun", Beyoncé said with flashcard in her hand "y'all ready?"

"Yeah we ready", Normani said.

"Alright so first question How did you first find out you were pregnant? Who knew first?" , Beyoncé asked them.

"I knew it first because Normani was acting differently than usual and she had this mom glow anyone could tell plus she was eating way much more than her usual", Keith said.

"Yeah one day I started freaking out cause I realized something was different in me and I told him he was already smiling he caught onto it faster than me", Normani said.

"Had you taken a pregnancy test yet Normani?", Beyoncé asked.

"Nope we went to target and got a test the most silent way possible only Blue found out we had it cause she wanted to come along and we couldn't say no", Normani said.

"Yeah we lowkey had to bribe her not to say anything with candy"

"And that was the day Blue came home a sticky mess I see now and kept asking me about babies", Beyoncé said.

"Yeah I remember that and we blamed it on Lauren sorry Lolo", Keith said laughing.

"So I'm guessing you took that test the same day"

"Yes I was so nervous for the results I was freaking out but Keith had my back he reminded me it was going to be fine" Normani explained.

"And them bam it was postive which was one of the best moments ever of my life and we got it on camera"

"And y'all couldn't tell me smh ... I'm kidding", Beyoncé said and they all laughed.

"We just wanted to wait and make sure it was true so we set the appointment for the next day and then we found out I was 4 weeks pregnant and we got to see our babygirl I almost cried seeing the monitor I couldn't believe it", Normani said.

"Yeah that moment was so amazing like in your mind you knew it but when you finally see your child in the womb it's just everything because now you're like wow thats my child", Keith said.

"That feeling is amazing almost every parent has felt it", Beyoncé said  "Now next question who found out first?"

"Blue, You and Jay first then the girls found out like and hour later", Keith said.

"Nice so you were still performing pregnant how was that?"

"It was a little bit challenging cause it's no longer just me I'm with a child I was very careful onstage", Normani explained.

"How has it been during this pregnancy?"

"Not the easiest I have had quite a few bad scares being pregnant I have ended up in the hospital a few time because of it but luckily I have gotten better since then and I have been able to have fun during this time"

"Keith what do you think about that?"

"I'm so grateful and glad that I haven't lost her or my child during those scares because I wouldn't be able to be happy without either but my queen and princess are fighters", Keith said making Normani smile brightly.

"Aww well looks like we got no more questions so this interview is over"

"Yess we did it", Normani exclaimed as she stood up and they all hugged each other.

"Yes Team Keith × Mani scores again along Angel", Keith said.

"Now let's all get some cause I'm hungry", Normani said as they bwgan walking out of the building they were filming.

"Alright where you wanna go mama"' Keith said holding her hand as they walked to the car.

"Guys I'm gonna go meet up with Jay and Blue" Beyoncé said waving and walking to another car.

"See you later Mrs. Yoncé ",Keith said waving goodbye.

"Okay see you later mom", Normani said waving goodbye.

They got into the car and drove off to a nearby restuaurant to get food, while Bey went to meet up with Jay and Blue. Normani and Keith both enjoyed their lunch until Normani began feeling sick at the restaurant.

"Babe can we go back to the hotel I'm not feeling too good", Normani said.

"Okay you need help getting up? You don't want like anything that could help you", Keith said and Normani thought for a second.

"Ginger Ale and I can get up on my own it's not too bad", Normani said Keith quickly went up to pay for their meals and buy the soda while Normani got up.

They walked back to the car which was close to them and they returned back  to the hotel. It was just in time for Normani to run to the bathroom and throw up.

"Well there went that all the food apparently Angel didn't like it", Normani said sitting on the ground next to the toilet.

"And here is me coming to comfort my warrior", Keith sat down next to Normani and hughed her.

"Thank you but I'm sad that was very delicious and now I'm hungry again", Normani said.

"I can get you some more or get anything you're craving but let's just wait a little bit just to be sure you won't throw up again", Keith said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me lets go to our bed" Normani said getting up of the floor. Keith got up and they walked to their room and laid on the bed. Normani closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly while Keith watched tv and rubbed Normani's bump lightly.

"I love you both" he whispered as she slept.

To be continued

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