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I always miss being in Hawaii when we leave it is one of my favorite places in the entire world. Our small vacation has ended sadly but I'm happy to also be back home because I don't need to be in clothes. Currently, Keith is on a tv show set so I am technically home alone with a bucket of delicious ice cream. Earlier I woke up and I felt my bump drop which means I am now officially 7 months and in the final trimester and the countdown begins now.

Honestly this amazing Im so excited to almost be having a child just one thing never happened to make this pregnancy official type a baby shower. I began looking for last minute ideas but nothing really looked cool. Everything took the time I didn't have for it was all like month and hardwork, I wish I started years ago on this. I knew someone who was always crazy last minute do-er she definitely would have an idea.

"Maa", I said into the phone.

"Whats up Mani", she said.

"So you're like a pro at the last minute stuff and I realized we never had a baby shower what I do", I said.

"You do absolutely nothing but relax you don't really need one girl", she said and I frowned.

"But it's my first child how can I not do anything", I told her angrily.

"Calm down girl it isn't the biggest deal I promise you have nothing to worry about plus stressing out and getting angry could be bad for your child", she struck a point with me cause she knows I won't let go stuff so fast.

"Fine fine what about something tiny", I said

"No what I say that stress is something you don't need but anyways we all gonna hang out in LA tomorrow you guys definitely have to come I already sent Keith the invite and info so be there", she said blowing over my whole dilemma.

"Fine I make no promises I'm pregnant and I need my rest" , I said returning back her small game with me

"But you do that all day already you know you need some activity so I'll see you there tomorrow", she said and she hung up.

She had a point I was not going to do anything either way I wasn't planning to but now I decided why not. I got up off my couch and began cleaning my house up it was definitely about time I had way too much spare time today.

"I feel bad for lying to Normani but she's gonna like this whole thing", Keith said as he began bringing chairs in the venue they had.

"Don't we all she's a hard person to lie to", Dinah said while putting together small decorations.

"Haha she's gonna love this just focus on that instead of lying", Lauren said to them aas she put candy in small pink bags with hearts and fake diamonds.

"She called me about making a baby shower I told her to not stress she got mad as heck I didn't help her out", Beyoncé said laughing but tomorrow she's gonna be happy.

"Can we really not have balloons or balloons that can't make a popping noise", Ally said as she looked at the balloon options.

"No Ally I promise we won't pop none with you near you'll be fine", Beyoncé said.

They worked on setting up the tables and decorations in that venue they had many of Normani's friends from Texas were helping out. It was a big surprise Normani was not expecting this she would not neither would she expect that her celebrity friends would be going. By the end of the day everyone was exhausted and ready to go home to sleep so they all called it a day after finishing up.

"Girls can I get a ride home", Keith asked while everyone walked to their cars.

"Not today were gonna get our nails done and we are four five seconds from being late", Dinah said.

"Fine Bey you going home yet", Keith asked walking towards Bey.

"Yeah come on boy I'm tired but you should know I drive fast that way the paps can't catch ya",  she said and I laughed.

"Girl I go 0-100 real quick Mani don't always like that but I always pull it on her sometimes", Keith said.

"Haha we are just a bunch of fast drivers except for Mani poor children who have no idea about that speeding is never will they will drive just as fast as us"

"Amen Normani learning to drive 0-100 I'm teaching but I'm waiting till Angel's here and nothing way way to dangerous"

"Cool cool we should all go to a race track but like you said once Angel is here so many can drive to be and so I can beat all of y'all", Bey said and Keith laughed.

"Nah that's gonna be me but yeah we will figure out when the time comes"

"Aight you'll see me prove you wrong then and there but yeah remember don't tell mamy about anything going on tomorrow just make her look amazing in that outfit we got for her", she said as the car stopped. They were finally home, he walked out to his home were Normani was waiting for him it was 11 pm. Normani wasn't too worried because this was a usual time to come home after being on set she knew the set life and how long it could go.

"Hey baby", he walked in and instantly hugged his beautiful wife.

"I'm good you hungry?",she asked.

"Yeah large set days really give you an appetite hows Angel doing has she been good?", Keith asked her and she smiled.

"The baby dropped so that means we are 7 month and closer to Angel in our arms", Normani told him and he jumped in his seat.

"That's my girlsss so when's the next appointment?", Keith asked her.

"This Monday"

"Alright I can't wait by the way tomorrow we gonna all go out and eat in the day I bought you an outfit hopefully you like it" Keith said as she gave him his plate of food.

"Can I see the dress before hand but alright I'll make sure to wash my hair tonight", she said as he began eating.

"Just let me finish my food I know you're gonna like it", he said confidently and she laughed.

He ate up then he pulled out the box with the dress. The dress was a purple dress that fit her body and bump so perfectly it was her already her favorite in one try.

"I won't lie this is definitely my style don't know how you do that?", she said slightly annoyed.

"Because I have known you a long time I've been with you shopping many times how could I not know", he said laughing knowing she was annoyed.

"True true I'm gonna take a bath" Normani walked out of the room and headed to her room.

"I'll join you baby", Keith followed her into the room.

Later that night

"So how was filming today", Normani asked as they laid together on their bed.

"Alright I was pretty busy you know filming", if there was one thing he wasn't too skilled at lying it was a hit or miss.

"Babe you didn't actually go to filming ha"


"Then where did you go?"

"I can't tell you because it will miss everything but I -"

"What do you mean how can you not tell me I'm your wife carrying our child" Normani had tears forming in her eyes she was already imaging the worst.

"I just can't tell you yet  but it's not bad don't cry", he tried wiping her tear but she smacked his hands away.

"OW Mani don't get mad it's just a surprise"

"But you could of told me you were going out today instead of working because you had me here believing you were filming next time don't tell me no lie like that", Normani let more tears fall down her face.

"Ok from now on I won't but know I would never try do anything to break us because this is us and I chose us forever over anything else" he wiped her tears and she let out a small growing smile.

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