The End

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Yoongi and Tae

My life with The has been great. We had two beautiful children. We build a family together and I couldn't ask for a better life than this.

Tae:Ever since I met Yoongi I fell in love with him

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Ever since I met Yoongi I fell in love with him. Now we have a family together and we will be together to the end. I never imagined myself to have such an amazing life with him by my side. I would never trade this for anything else.

Jin and Namjoon:Namjoon:Life with Jin has been the best

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Jin and Namjoon:
Life with Jin has been the best. At first I saw him as just a friend but the more time we spent together, the more I fell for him. I can't wait to start our family. I can't wait to see what the future awaits for us.

Jin:Ever since Namjoon came into my life I have never stopped thinking about him

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Ever since Namjoon came into my life I have never stopped thinking about him. There were times where I told myself I couldn't fall for my bestfriend, but then he just did the cutest shit ever and I fell even more for him. Now I have him and I don't plan on letting him go. He is mine and only mine. I can't wait to start our little family.

 I can't wait to start our little family

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