Chapter 1

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My last year in College.
My last year of stress and having to deal with these people.

Throughout all my years in school nothing fascinating has ever happened in my life so I doubt anything fascinating will happen this year.This is my life.I am a 21 year old female who lives in Seoul S.Korea with a sad boring life.

One step into my first class and I'm already thinking 'Fuck me in the asshole why are these people in my class'. I have issues with a lot of people that's just who I am.

"Sit by me Ji-hye" says Gwon Tae-woo with a smirk.

"Can I just finish college already" I say under my breath.

Gwon Tae-woo is the guy every girl wanted.They would obsess over him as if they were still in highschool. Every girl except for me, ever since last year he has been trying to get at me.Why won't I pay attention to him?Well because he is a big time player.

Tae-woo got up and walked over to me.

"Aish common Ji-hye sit by me I won't bite" Then bit his lower lip giving me a smirk

"I don't want to sit by you now if you would be kind enough and move the fuck out of my way that would be great"I said annoyed with a annoyed smile

"I'll move if you sit by me"

I was so fed up with him that at this moment I just went off on him


Before leaving angryli he said
"You'll regret this jagiya"

I angrily took my seat and waited for class to start.

A few minutes after class had started a guy I've never seen before comes in.He was so beautiful,he had silky black hair,a chiseled face,and full lips.

"Class welcome our new student , please introduce yourself"

"Hello my name is Park Jimin"
He said with a smile after his introduction.

'OMO OMO OMO OMO THAT'S SMILE, THAT FACE, THOSE LIPS' is all I could think.What has happened to me, I don't even know this guy just his name Park Jimin. Damn you Park Jimin what have you done to me.

Hi guys the author here.This is my first ff ever so if there are any errors or anything I'm sorry and please don't hate to much like I said this is my first ff.Thanks for reading my ff  사랑해😊❤.안녕🖑

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