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The party had ended and we said goodbye to Yoongi and Tae because they were going to their honeymoon.

"Yoongi take care of her if not I will every single bone you have"

Yoongi:"I'm not scared of you but I will take care of her because I don't want Ms.Min getting hurt"

I gave Tae and Yoongi a hug and they got in the car and drove off.

Jimin:"Common I'll take you home"


He hold my hand as we walked to his car. When we got to his car he opened the door for me and let me in.

We were on our way to my house when we saw someone laying down in the middle of the road. Jimin stopped the car before he hit the person.

"What the fuck. Who is that?"

Jimin:"I don't know I'll go check you stay in here."

I was worried so I grabbed a rod Jimin had in his car and went outside with him.

Jimin:"I told you to stay in the car"

"I got worried"

He saw the rod I had in my hand and chuckled.

Jimin:"Give me that"

I gave him the rod and he started to get close to the person that was laying there.

Jimin:"Hey man are you okay?"

The person laying on the floor just groanned.

Jimin:"You do know you're in the middle of the road right?"

The person was laying on his side and then moved to lay on his back. Jimin walked backwards his expression changed. He seemed mad and sad.

I ran to Jimin.

"Jimin what's wrong? You're worrying me"

Jimim:"T-t-that man is my appa"

"What? What do you mean that's your appa?"

Jimin:"I mean what I said that's my appa..."

"Why is he here? I left him in Busan"

I was confused.

"Wait what? Busan?"

Jimin:"Yeah that's where I grew up"

When he said that I felt like I knew him more than I thought. Hmmmm this is strange.

Jimin got closer to his appa and poked him with the rod.

Jimin:"Hey old man what the fuck are you doing here?"

Sung-Ki:"Hmmm oh here you are. I've been looking everywhere for you son"

He started to get up but was wobbly.

Jimin:"You're drunk aren't you"

Sung-ki:"What? No I would *hicc* never"


Jimin grabbed my hand and started to take me to his car. Honestly I was afraid of Jimin right now. When he is mad he scares me.

He put me in the car and then he got in. He started to drive. He really did leave his appa.


I asked carefully, I didn't want to trigger him even more.

Jimin:"I'm sorry Jagiya. He just makes me so mad. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have done what I did to you"

True Colors...//JIMIN FF {Complete}|| editingWhere stories live. Discover now