His touch

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I arrived at Seoul and quickly got a cab to the hospital. Throughout the ride I kept thinking 'Please don't let it be too late'.

I got to the hospital and ran to Jimin's room and burst in.

Namjoon:"Woah Ji-hye where have you beem?"

"In Busan. How is he?"

I walked to Jimin and started to see if anything had changed, if he had gotten any worse.


"yes now where is the doctor"

Ani:"He said he would be back on a few minutes"

Namjoon:"Alright stop changing the subject. Why were you in Busan?"


Namjoon had a 'woah okay chill face.

"Sorry Joonie I just wanna save his life"

I was about to start crying when the doctor came in. I wiped away the tears in my eyes.

"Sir this is the cure for whatever he has"

Doctor:"Are you sure"

"Positive. The person who did this to him gave it to me as a sorry"

I looked over at the gang and they seemed confused.

The doctor got a needle and put some of the substance in the veil and injected it to Jimin.

I sat by him and waited for a reaction.

Couple of minutes passed by and nothing. He was still out.

"W-w-why isn't it working?"

I turned to look at the gang.

The all got up from their seats and hugged me.

Ani:"Common Ji-hye it's late you've had a hella long day rest"

"No I wont rest until I know what was in the veil is actually helping him"

Jimin:"Jagiya rest. Lack of sleep isn't good for you"

I turned and looked at Jimin he was awake, finally.

I hugged him so tight. I started to cry.

Jimin:"Jagiya please don't cry I hate when you cry"

"How do you not want me to cry. This was the worst experience ever"

Jimin:"I'm fine now. Now rest please I heard you've had a long day"

Ani:"She has had a long day. She is worrying me"

Jungkook:"I swear hyung and Ji-hye always worry us"

We all started to laugh. Everything was fine again.

I was so happy Jimin was back. The doctor checked to see if there was anything else wrong with him and there wasn't so he let him go.

He was still a little bit weak so Namjoon and Jin helped me take him to my car.

"Thank you guys. Sorry for being such an asshole today"

Namjoon:"It's Okay we understand. Well we are going home now see you tomorrow"

The both gave me a hug.

Jin:"사랑해 and take care of Jimin"

"I will don't worry"

Ani:"We'll see you tomorrow take care"

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