Chapter 8

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Tae-woo's POV
I was so upset during these weeks because Ji-hye was with Jimin. I needed a plan to separate them, so I started to develop one.
One of my cousins 'Ae-jung' spoiled me so much she was the perfect girl to help me out so I called her.


Tae-woo:"Hey cousin it's me Tae-woo look I'm calling you to ask for your help I really need it"

Ae-jung:"Oh hey Tae-woo I'm here to help with anything"

Tae-woo:"Alright so.........."

I told her what I wanted her to do and she agreed.

The next day at school during lunch it was time to put my plan in action.
Ae-jung got Jimin to take her to a private place. We both knew he would take her to the Janitors room so I set up a camera there. I knew that if I just told Ji-hye Jimin was cheating on her she wouldn't believe it , so I had to show her some evidence.

Later on in lunch I saw Hoseok and Jimin walk away from their group and got curious as to where they were heading.

Then I saw the first punch being thrown by Hoseok. This was even better,
I started to record everything on my phone. I had more evidence to show Ji-hye to make her hate Jimin. This was going so well now I had to wait to show it to Ji-hye at the right moment.

Ji-hye's POV
I was home alone. I didn't go to school because I wanted to get away from this Jimin situation. I thought I needed to think about my feelings for Jimin but there was nothing to think about. I knew the answer the whole time but I didn't accept it because I'm afraid to get hurt. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't hear the knocks on my door until....


It startled me. I went to see who it could be. I looked through the peephole.

"Ji-hye I know you are there common open the door pleaseeeee" Jimin said looking through the peephole.

"Shit" I said as I backed away from the peephole.

Well I have no other choice.
So I opened the door.

"Hey beautiful" he said with a smile as soon as he saw me.

"Why are you here?" I asked trying to hide the fact that I was blushing.

"I came to check on you why didn't you go to school today?"

"Cause I didn't want to. Now you've seen I'm alive,now bye" I said while closing the door

He put his foot so I would be able to close it.

"I have to tell you something Jagiya" his expression changed from flirty to serious or sad.

"What happened I don't like your mood change" I said worried.

"Let me in you will want to be seated for this"

I let him in and we both sat on my couch. He sat by me and got a hold of my hands he started to crease them while looking down seeming sad.

"Please promise me you will stay strong when I tell you this please"

He was worrying me even more.

"Okay okay I promise but tell me what happened you're worrying me Jimin"

"Well today in lunch me and Hoseok got away from the group to go talk and......" his eyes started to fill with tears.

"What Jimin what tell me now"

"We got jumped and they beat Hoseok pretty bad he was left unconscious and is now at the hospital still uncountious"

It seemed like my heart was being torn away from my body.
This can't be true. Our sunshine can't be at the hospital uncountious.

I started to cry.
"No please Jimin tell me this isn't true"

"I'm sorry Jagiya it's my fault I tried my best to protect him but I couldn't"

I saw how pained he was thinking it was his fault. I couldn't see him like this so I just hugged him, his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist.

Jimin's POV
I had to act as if what happened to Hoseok hurt me. As if I cared.
I started crying to get more of her attention.

"I'm sorry Jagiya it's my fault I tried my best to protect him but I couldn't" I told her while crying.

She suddenly hugged me and started playing with my hair trying to "console" me.

'Hoseok actually helped' I thought with an evil smile. 

Back to Ji-hye's POV
I couldn't bare to see him like this so vurnable. I wish I could take those thoughts away from his head. It wasn't his fault he got hurt too but he was only thinking of Hoseok. He was such a sweet guy he was too precious for this world.

"Hey it's not your fault Jimin you tried you best there wasn't anything else you could do"

"I wish there was, he is such a nice guy I hate having him like this" he said between tears still in my embrace.

"Look you got hurt too you need to worry about yourself too" I said playing with his hair trying not to cry even more.

"I don't care what happened to me it's not as bad as Hoseok"

"I care Jimin I care what happens to you and as I am devastated with Hoseok I would be equally devastated if this happen to you"

He looked up at me when I said those words.

"Really? You care about me?"

"Yes I do"

He sat up right and was looking at me with such sweet eyes he started to get closer and closer and then our lips met.

"" He said between our kisses.

The kisses were getting more intense. His tounge touched my lower lip asking for permission to go in and I let it in. He was starting go get on top of me when.......

*knock knock knock*

'GOD DAMN IT REALLY RIGHT NOW?!?!?!' I thought to myself.

Jimin got up from me and went to go check who it was.

"JIMIN?!?!?!" I heard Tae's voice

"Oh hey guys what are you doing here?" Said jimin allowing the gang to come in

"JI-HYE THE GANG IS HERE!!!!" Yelled Jimin

I fixed myself up trying to act as if nothing happened and I went to go greet them.

"Oh hey guys what are you doing here?" I said with a smile

"We have some bad news" namjoon said

"Oh those news Jimin told me already" I said my expression changing to a serious one.

"Ohhhhh well let's hang out then and be here for each other during this time" said Jin with a forced smile.

"Alright come in to the living room"

Jimin came to my ear and said

"We'll finish this another time"

True Colors...//JIMIN FF {Complete}|| editingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ