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The doctor came back with Jimin.

Doctor:"We tested him and I was right. There seems to be a liquid running within his blood. Bad news..."

"What is it?"

Doctor:"We don't know what the liquid is therefore we don't know how to get it out of his system. He will be like this until we can find a way to take it out it is also deadly. He needs a cure ASAP"

I instantly stood up angry.

"How do you not know how?!?!? You're a doctor you should know?!?!"

The doctor seemed startled. Namjoon stood up and hugged me.

Namjoon:"Common Ji-hye calm down It's not the doctors fault"

He then turned to face the doctor.

Namjoon:"I am so sorry sir, she really loves him and it's hard for her"

Doctor:"It's okay I get it I will try everything to get it out of his system"

I ran out the room. I got out of the hospital and went to my car. Once I was in I called my eomma.

"Eomma I'm coming home"

Eomma:"What why? You sound an..."

Before she could finish talking I hung up. 

I sped up and headed to the airport. I didn't care whether or not I had clothes. All I cared was that I had enough money for a plane ticket.

"I plane ticket to Busan please"

The lady gave me a ticket and I headed to the gate.

I boarded the plane and before it took off I called namjoon.

Namjoon:"Hello? Ji-hye where did you go?"

"Please take care of Jimin while I'm away. I'll explain later"

I hung up before I let him say one more word to me.

The plane took off. I will ruin this dudes life.

A couple of hours later I arrived at Busan. I called my appa.

Appa:"Hello? Baby? What's wrong?"

"Appa can you pick me up at the airport and take me to your company?"

Appa:"What why?"

"I'll explain later but please come for me"

Appa:"Fine I'll be there in a bit"

I hung up and sat on a bench. I was starting to plan out how I was gonna ruin that man's life.

*beep beep*

I came back from my thoughts and  went to my appa's car and got in.

Appa:"Hey princess what are you doing?"

"I am going to ruin someone's life now start driving"

Appa:"Have you gone mad?"

"No that man has. Now start driving"

My appa seemed afraid so he did as he was told.

We got to his company building and I went fast to his office. Once I was at his office I went to his computer. I started to type shit.

My daughter Ji-hye is the heir of my company. She owns 70% of the company right now. So she has most of the power.

True Colors...//JIMIN FF {Complete}|| editingWhere stories live. Discover now