The chicken competition

Start from the beginning

"One hundred forty seven. Why?"

"We're having a competition!" Merlin shouted.

"What kind of competition?"

That's when Leon stepped past holding four chickens. "To see who can catch the most."

Percival piped up, "We're each counting our own. Also-"

"They only count if you get them back to the chicken Koop though!" Gwaine interrupted holding five chickens with a grin.

Arthur sighed knowing of these competitions. They usually ended in a slight mess, but they got the jobs done quicker.

As they collected the chickens, Arthur watched as his four companions got more and more competitive. They each counted so they could add them up later.

When they got them all in, Percival asked, "so... how many did you guys get?"

"Thirty three," Gwaine and Leon simultaneously answered. At that Merlin and Percival felt their mouths drop open.

"We did too," Percival muttered, seemingly unhappy that there was no winner.

"So thirty three... four times... my fourteen chickens..." Arthur paused to think for a moment, "that's one hundred forty six. How many did i say earlier? Oh yeah, one hundred fourtyseven."

That was the moment that Arthur became the only sane one. All Arthur's companions were racing around like chickens without heads trying to win this game.

After about ten minutes, they all heard a cluck in front of a small orchard. It was almost comical how fast their necks turned to find the source of the noise. Actually it was slightly scary how the four simultaneously started sprinting after a terrified chicken at the same time.

Arthur hesitated a moment, and had already lost his friends. For some random reason, he felt the need to grab a bow and arrow. Once he had those, he raced after them.

Soon he'd found Leon. He was sneaking up on her as if he was a fox while the muddy white, speckled in brown, ugly chicken stared at Arthur. She tilted her head at Arthur slightly before Leon grabbed it by the legs and flipped her upside down.

"Yes!" Leon yelled. "I win!

"Not yet you haven't!" Gwaine shouted as he grabbed the chicken and rocketed away. Soon followed by Leon and Arthur.

Speeding through the orchard, the trees went over them, and tripping over rotten apples was a problem when you were running. Gwaine was still in the lead, but Leon was catching up.

Crack! A branch fell in front of Gwaine, causing him to drop the chicken. Merlin suddenly jumped forward grabbed the chicken and left.

Following behind, Arthur was starting to wonder how the boy was in such good shape. Merlin looked back to see if the three were gaining on him. That was a mistake. Merlin dropped the chicken as he ran into Percival, who picked it up.

"Put down the chicken, or I swear to whatever deities there are, I will shoot you in the knee!" Arthur threatened while grabbing an arrow.

"Never!" Percival screeched before running away top speed.

Shooting out from a bush, Merlin let out a loud scream of rage before he took off in the same direction that Percival had gone. "That chicken is mine!" He was shortly followed by Leon.

Gwaine then knocked Arthur over as he raced after Merlin.

Arthur made a noise of frustration before running after his friends. Was he the only sane one today?


After a while Arthur managed to get the chicken.

"What is up with you four? Losing your marbles over a... a... chicken? I thought you were knights?"

Merlin spoke up with a grin, "all due respect sire, but I'm not a-"

"Shut it Merlin."

Looking disappointed, he motioned for Rosalie to come to him.

"Could you put the last chicken in the Koop please?"

Rosalie nodded, took the chicken from Arthur's arms, and gently placed the chicken in the koop. Many of the other chickens had been thrown in due to the competition.

"Now none of us win. Now let's go back to training. I believe you need some more training. Oh and Merlin." Arthur waited for Merlin to look him in the eye. "Clean out the stables on your own. Tell the stable boy he's dismissed for tonight."

So they headed back towards the castle.

When they were in the middle of Camelot near a few of the houses, they noticed a girl screaming for help. Of course Arthur ran over and asked what was wrong, but soon he wished he had kept walking.

"I can't cathh my dadies chicken! Pleath help me!" The girl cried out while pointing to a chicken across the street.

Merlin, Leon, Percival and Gwaine all looked at each other, before swiftly perusing the chicken.

Great! Arthur thought before following them. He still had his bow and arrow with him, and by the looks of it, he might need it.


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