Wait! Bbterra

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"Terra please I know you remember!" Beast boy said. I stared at him as I felt a few rain drops hit my brown leather jacket covering my school uniform. Suddenly I heard the beep of his communicator go off. "Looks like you have to go." I said. He looked up at me with sad eyes. "Okay." He said and started to walk away. I watched him, remembering all the fun we had together. With the titans, the date, him saving me from myself, everything. I loved him. "Beast boy!" I yelled. He didn't hear me. It started to rain harder and was now down poring. "I love you!" I yelled over the rain. He then whipped around. "What?!" He yelled back. I cupped my hands around my mouth and screamed at the top of my lungs, "I love you beast boy!" He stared at me with a shocked look on his face. I all could hear was the rain and my heart pounding, anticipating his response. He walked to me. "You?-" he started to ask. "Yes." I said as I felt myself blush. He walked towards me until he was right in front of me, then he kissed me. He pulled back. "I love you too Terra." He whispered as he held my face in his hands. "Come back." He whispered.
The end.
Damirae is next unless I guys request.

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