The letters. (Robstar)

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I listened to my deceased girlfriend's eulogy by her father Jim. She was recently murdered by the Scarecrow. Bruce didn't tell me. Probably so I wouldn't react and actually kill Scarecrow. I loved Barbra. She was my everything. After the funeral, I went to my apartment in blüd haven. I sat down and basically cried for a few hours. I sighed got up and started writing a letter.
I sighed, licked the envelope and put it in the mailbox sending it to Barbra's apartment. I sighed. I must be crazy. I thought.
-a few weeks later-
I open the mailbox to my new apartment. A letter came addressed to Barbra Gordon. I asked around and turns out Barbra is the one who used to live here. I shrugged and opened the letter. I read it carefully,
Dear Barbra,
I know this is crazy, I know your dead. But I just can't except it, I love you and miss you. It's not like you're gonna reply to theses letters but I'm gonna write them anyway. I love you babs.
Love, Dick.
Poor Dick. I thought. I felt bad.
Dear Dick,
I know I'm not Barbra, but I am sorry about her. I can tell you loved her very much and I am sure you miss her. I wish to talk too you often. And if you don't mind me asking how did she die?
Love Kori.
Dick opened the letter and read it. He shrugged,
Dear Kori,
Don't tell anyone what you're about to hear, er read. I am a superhero in the bat family. Barbra was a hero named Oricale. Once known as Batgirl. She died because she was kidnapped by Scarecrow and literally scared to death. That's her story. The story of the woman I loved.
Love Dick.
Starfire felt bad for Dick.
Dear Dick,
I am sorry about your Barbra, I can tell you loved her and miss her so. I will do the looking just in case I find any of her belongings you have missed.
Love, Kori.

3 months later.

Dear Kori,
We've been talking by letters for months now and I have to tell you that I've slowly fallen in love with you. I'm in love with you Kori. Can we meet somewhere?
Love, Dick.

Kori almost exploded with excitement when she saw Dick's letter.

Dear Dick,
I'd love to meet up with you. I know this coffee shop near my apartment, can we meet there? The address is on the back of the paper. Meet me on the seventh at three at the shop
All my heart, Kori.

Long story short, they get together and live happily ever after.

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