Let me go. (Bbterra)

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Terra rushed through the cold rain, letting the rain drops fall down her cheeks. Her blonde hair was sticking to her forehead as she rushed down the sidewalk.

"Wait!" She heard someone call after her. She ignored him and continued hurrying through the pouring rain. She broke into a run but was abruptly held back by a cold hand wrapped around her arm.
"Let go Beastboy." She said through gritted teeth. "No. I'm not going to loose you again. He said pulling her into an alleyway.
"You already have!" She yelled at him as he pressed her up against a brick wall.
Beastboy opened his mouth to say something, but closed it. He didn't need to say anything. His eyes said it all. Terra stared into Beastboy's warm green eyes, and his fluffy green hair. In his eyes she could see his grass green irises, that spoke kindness and truth. Terra had seen it before. Right before he ripped her heart out. That day they were more cold and angry. Those were the eyes that killed her. Terra shook her head slowly.
"I'm sorry. Goodbye Beastboy."
Terra closed her eyes and felt herself melt away into the lonely, colorless world. Beastboy watched Terra's face turn from sad to basically dead and colorless. He couldn't stand to see her like this.
He wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed terra.
"Beastboy, let me go." She whispered into the kiss.
A warm feeling occurred in terra. A feeling she hasn't felt in a long time. She felt the color of her life come back. She felt tingles on her skin from Beastboy's touch. Then they pulled apart. And terra smiled. A smile Beastboy hasn't seen in a long time. A smile that he loved. Terra, she was back.

I got the idea from an author named lightningthief.

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