You cant save me. (Damirae)

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So I saw JL vs Tt. I loved it. I saw the judas contract first tho. I'm stupid. But I love them both. So enjoy this one shot. And also. I LOVE THIS SHIP. Almost as much as bbterra. Almost.

Damian is off in Gotham helping Batman. So we have to handle this mission without him. I mean we used to not have him around so why would it matter now right? We found a hit in Deathstroke's position. He's on a warehouse on the edge of jump city. We got there and were ambushed by his men. We were captured. "Hello titans. Nice to see you again. I will have the pleasure of killing more of you this time." He said with a smug look on his face. This made us, especially Garfield angry. "You'll never get any of us!" He yelled. "Oh really?" He said then turning his head to face me. "You. Raven. Where's bird boy? I especially like torchoring  him. "I'll never tell you!" I said. He smirked. "Oh. I see you have feelings for him? You like him more than just your teammate don't you Raven?" "No." I mumble. Feeling my cheeks turning red. I heard my friends gasp slightly behind me. "Come with me girl." He said taking me out of my cell and grabbing my handcuffs. "No." I said pulling away. He beat me up a bit to get me to move. He ended up dragging me out to his supercomputer. He contacted Damian. "Slade." He said coldly. "Hello Robin. I have a proposal for you, your life," he paused and dragged me into the picture. "For hers." He finished. Throwing me onto the ground in front of him. I grunted from the impact of the ground. "Robin don't-" Damian gasped seeing me in this state. "Raven..." he whispered. "Do we have a deal?" He asked Damian. "I'm on my way." He said. "N-no!" I said as the transmission ended. Deathstroke took me and beat me for a while. When Dami came he stopped and brought me to him. I groaned from the pain that was pulsing through me when he threw me in front of Damian. "Slade I want five minutes." Fine I'll give you a private cell. He said leading us to a jail cell and closing the door behind us. "Raven, what did he do to you?" He asked looking me over. "I'll be okay. Damian. You have to leave." He looked at me. "No. I can't. I can't let you stay here. This is my fault anyway." He said. "What? No-" "times up you two. It's done Robin. Let your Raven free." He said taking me away. "But wait, why don't we take care of the one thing that's slowing you down!" Slade said as I felt something stab me in the back. I felt it go out the front then Deathstroke  pulled out his sword. I stammered and collapsed to the ground. Then I blacked out.
3rd person.
Damian stared at Raven collapsing and the blood falling from her stomach. "Raven!" He yelled. He screamed in anger and pulled out his katana from his scheethe. He fought Slade and was about to kill him when the titans told him to stop. He sighed. Instead of killing Slade he let him go to free the titans. Then he ran back to Raven.
I heard footsteps coming. "Raven! Raven." I heard Damian's voice yelling. He got to me. "Damian." I mumbled. "This is all my fault." "How?" I asked. "I knew love was the worst thing I could have as a superhero. But then I fell in love with you. And now I know I'm stupid. "Dami, you can't save everyone. And you can't save me. You need to leave Damian. Leave me here." He got that Damian Wayne look on his face and picked me up. But I'm going to try. He said carrying me out of the warehouse.
-titans tower medical bay.
"Call Batman. He can help us." I barked at Starfire. "Okay." She mumbled. "Raven. Just hang on okay?" He whispered taking my hand. He stroked my cheek. He pulled off my hood. "Raven." He whispered. "Dami, I-i love you." I whispered. "Raven no!" He yelled. As I blacked out.
Batman finally arrived. "Father please help. She's dieing." Damian started lack of emotion in his voice. "Electrocute her."  He said. "It's the only way to save her." He said. Starfire did as he said. Ravens heart rate went back to normal. "Thank you father." Damian said. "Raven?" He said. She reached up and cupped his face. "I love you too." Dami said kissing Raven. She let him. The titans were shocked. Damian and Raven pulled back from each other and were reminded that they weren't alone. They blushed. "Sorry." They both said.

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