Hero x villian. Bbterra

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Another day in prison. Begging this guard to let me go. While I was annoying the guard, one of the jerks who put me in there, was outside the cell. Staring at me. "Oh its one of you "the teen titans" well I suggest you and your little freak show of friends leave me alone!" The green boy stared at me with sadness. "Can I talk to her alone?" He asked the guard. "Are you crazy?!" "I can handle her." The boy said as the guard nodded and left. "Terra, you're really gone aren't you?" "What do you mean 'I'm gone'? I'm right here aren't I?" I smirked. "Dumb ass." I mumbled. The boy shook his head. "Terra I, nevermind. Look you're coming with me." He said. I smirked. "Yeah right! Why would I come with you? I hate you and your pathetic friends!" "Guard release her!" The boy said. The door opened as he put a set of cuffs on me. "Slade will get you back for this you little crap!" I yelled as he took me out of the prison. He turned into a pterodactyl and brought us to a t-shaped tower. He brought us inside and took me into this room. He threw me some clothes. "Put those on, those correctional clothes probably don't feel great." "I'm supposed to change in front of you?" The boy shook his head. "I'm not looking." He said messing around with other parts of the room. I shrugged and got changed. The outfit fit perfectly and seemed familiar. I shrugged. "So do you have to question me or something?" He nodded. "Do you remember my name?" "Pffftt no!" I said looking at the boy. "My name is Beastboy." He said. "Terra... why did you leave?" What?! What is he talking about?! "What are you talking about?!" He sighed. "Why did you leave the teen titans...why did you leave... me?"he asked staring into my eyes. "Wait I was one of you?! That's im-" he cut me off by kissing me. I was shocked but then melted into the kiss remembering Beastboy and my friends. The Teen Titans are my friends. "B-Beastboy! I'm sorry ! I'm so sorry I don't know what happened to me! Slade just took over me! I'm sorry! Please let me come back please!" Beastboy smiled then kissed me again. "Of course we will." He said leading me out to the team who let me back in.

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