"Well, yeah. I didn't want to ask. I didn't want to put you on the spot."

"Lauren, I would love to come by your place." She smiles and I feel a weight lift. "If that would be okay with you."

"God, yes." I nod. "I'd love to have you over. We have to be careful, though, right?"

"Yes. I'm sure everything will be okay."

God, I hope so. I can just see us now. Curled up together watching movies. My place is great, and I love it, but it would be complete with Normani in it too. Her home is beautiful, and I really enjoy being here, but it feels a little too secretive when she isn't able to come by my place. Shit, I'd better get the place straightened out a little.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap myself up in one of Normani's robes and take in its scent. Her scent. I've never felt so content as I do right now. I know we've had a rocky start, but that has only brought us closer. It has only encouraged us to give our everything.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I find several markings on my neck and chest. Oh, fuck! Opening the bathroom door, I pop my head out. "could you get your ass up here now."

Hearing her approach the stairs, I try to calm myself. "Seriously? You want to go again?"

"Oh, no. No no no." I say as she reaches the top step. "Get in here now, and tell me what the hell I'm supposed to do with these!"

"With wha-" Her eyes widening, she places her hand over her mouth. "Oh, God. What happened?"

"What happened? Seriously? You happened." I point at her and give her a hard glare. "I have to go to class tomorrow. How am I supposed to cover these up?" Looking at myself in the mirror again, I shake my head in disbelief. "I can't believe you did this to me."

"Lauren, I'm so sorry." She steps closer and wraps her arms around my robe covered waist. "I'm sorry."

"What am I going to do?" I sigh. "I mean, the ones on my chest don't matter, but this one?" Pointing to the deep purple mark behind my ear, I can see her blush. "Don't be embarrassed now. You weren't embarrassed when you were doing it." Giving her a smile, I figure there's not a lot we can do about it now.

"Mm, and I don't recall you complaining either." She shrugs. "I figured those screams were because you were having the time of your life."

"Oh, I was. I definitely was." Throwing her a wink, I untangle myself from her arms and finish preparing myself for home.

"Maybe a little makeup will cover them?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't think so but I'll give it a go." I shrug. I'll have to do something, I look like I've been attacked during the night. "I'd better get ready."

"Yeah." She sighs and moves back to lean against the door frame. "When can I see you again?"

"When would you like to see me again?" I ask, nonchalantly.

"All the time?" She smirks. "When are you not busy this week?"

"Tomorrow I'm studying with Ally. Tuesday I'm hoping to grab the music room after classes and Wednesday a couple of us are headed out for drinks. I didn't go last week, or the week before and Dinah isn't happy about it. Although, she's never happy, so?"

"So, Thursday?" She releases a heavy breath and wraps her arms around herself. "Thursday, then? I can see you on Thursday?"

"You asked when I wasn't busy. That doesn't mean I can't make time for you."

"Lauren, you should see your friends. Especially Dinah. I don't need her on my back." She smiles. "To be honest, she's a little frightening."

"Oh, she's just all talk." I laugh as I throw my hair up into a messy bun. "She doesn't mean any harm."

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