Last Show - Epilogue

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No one's POV

"No don't stop!" Nathan's voice called out. "You two still aren't asleep yet?" Justin laughed as he felt Emory shift in his arms so she could look up at him. "How could we? This story is so interesting!" she groaned making the four of them laugh. 

"How about we finish the story tomorrow night alright? It's getting late and you two should really be asleep right now. You don't want to be tired for school tomorrow now do you?" Selena asked tightening her grip on her 9 year old son. 

"We could always just sleep in" Emory smirked now looking at her mother only to earn a small glare. "Alright fine. Come on Nate" the 13 year old groaned before both her and Nathan kissed their parents goodnight and slowly made their way back to their rooms. 

"How much you wanna bet they both think it was all real?" Justin asked Selena who now replaced Emory's place in his arms, snuggling closer to her husband as he pressed his lips to the top of her head. 

"Ten bucks Nathan thinks it's real" Justin chuckled softly. "Yeah. Emory is too old to think it's real" Selena agreed making the two laugh. "I mean come on, you becoming a famous singer?" Justin knotted his eyebrows together only to earn a hit to the stomach from Selena. 

"I could so become famous one day" she groaned making Justin laugh even harder. "If you becoming a fashion designer and starting your own company makes you famous then alright. You're a mega star" Justin laughed causing his wife to roll her eyes in response. "As a matter of fact, it does" she muttered. 

"And like you can kill a bunch of people just for the fun of it" Selena said raising her head and shifted around so she was now looking down at him. "I could totally do it" he smirked back confidently. "Really? Cause last time I checked, you cried when a chicken started to chase you at my aunt's farm" Selena pointed out making Justin glare up at her.

"They bite and you know that!" Justin retorted as he crossed his arms over his chest causing Selena to giggle at his childish expressions. "Are you also the sex god you also claimed yourself to be?" she whispered into his ear sending chills down his spine. 

Suddenly, she felt her back hit the mattress as he was now hovered above her. "We didn't make the whole story a lie. And that definitely was not a lie" he smirked down at her before pressing his lips against hers. 

Throughout the night, they shared the love they had that has been growing strong for 20 years. They may have made some stuff up to their kids, only to make their life seem more interesting, but the love they had for one another was real. It has been since the day they first talked just outside the principal's office, and the day they ran into each other in LA six years after they fell apart, and they planned on sharing that love until their last breath. 

They may have never had that glamorous life, or the thrilling, action-packed life-style, but they shared many great memories together, with all of their friends and family. And now, they get to share that love with their children. And they couldn't wish for anything better. 


so most of this never happened? :O

I'm sorry this was the only way I could think of ending it....

anyways, I hope you guys liked this story. I'm all up for any questions and/or comments (so if you want to know which parts were real and which weren't then just comment below and I'll answer them)

so basically Show Time was all real but I decited to twist this one as though most of this just seems too, unrealistic. Chaz is still alive, nobody died (except Bruce obvi), they werent "superstar" famous but they did meet up in LA after 6 years, and yea......

but yea..... I would've continued this and ended it differently but I just really want to start working on Who Are You #sorrynotsorry

Ik i suck at ending stories but whatevs. 

also I just wanna thank all the readers for actually took their time to read this. I had a lot of fun writing this and you guys and the sweet comments just made me want to write even more so I thank you guys and I hope each and every one of you know how much I love you guys because you are all awesome :)

I won't be leaving anytime soon because I just love writing and I have so many ideas for new stories so yea :)


Who's reading You're Not The Only One With Secrets??

I promise it wont end as bad as this one ;P (but it does get really twisted shhh)


-Maddie <3

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora