Last Show - Chapter 3

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Justin's POV

I walked into my new house to be greeted by my girlfriend. "There's my superstar" she smiled as she pecked my lips. "Baby what's wrong?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck noticing that my body was a little stiff. "Nothing. Just ran into an old friend" I told her before I got out of her hold and walked into the kitchen.

"Wow must be some old friend if they're making you all grouchy" she said following me. "It's just, it's been a while since I saw her so it's a little weird right now" I told her grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. I really need to go do some shopping.

"Oh so it's a girl" I heard Caitlin say behind me. I turned to look at her and she had her arms crossed across her chest. "Don't worry. It was 6 years ago" I assured her pecking her lips. "I'm with you now" I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist, relaxing my body. "And does she know that?" she asked raising an eyebrow as she wrapped her arms around my neck once again.

"As a matter of fact, she does" I told her before leaning down and connected our lips.

Selena's POV

I ended up going to my parents' house because I wanted to see my mom and Gracie. Well that and cause I needed my mom's "motherly advice".

"So what did you want to talk about?" My mom asked walking into the kitchen. "What makes you think I wanted to talk about something?" I asked trying to procrastinate the topic. My mom gave me the 'I know you know' look making me sigh.

"I ran into Justin today" I told her and she gasped loudly. "Wait, Justin as in Justin, Justin?" my mom asked sitting across from me as I was sitting at the dining table. "Yup" I replied popping the 'p'.

"Wait what is he doing here in LA?" my mom asked. "Scooter signed him" I told her and she gasped again. "So he's the new artist Scooter signed?" my mom asked still shocked. I nodded my head in return. "Oh my god. How are you holding up?" she asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"He has a girlfriend" I told her questioning why I said that. "Oh honey. It's been 6 years don't you think it's time to move on? I mean he has" my mom said trying to sound caring but we all know I'm stupid to still be in love with him.

"You still love him don't you?" my mom asked reading my facial expression. "Of course I do! He was perfect to me. I loved him more than life itself and that was 6 fucking years ago and I can't even get over him!" I raised my voice a bit before groaning into my hands.

"I'm stupid aren't I?" I asked never removing my hands from my face. "No sweetie. You're not stupid. Sometimes it's hard to get over your first love. But now you know he moved on so maybe that will make it easier for you" my mom said.

"I don't know. It's just one part of me wants to move on but then another doesn't and I don't know what to do about it" I told her finally moving my hands. "I know. But now he's here and he will be with his new girlfriend and maybe you'll find someone who will make you forget about him. Or maybe he'll realize his girlfriend is nothing compared to you and you'll be back together" my mom smiled making me glare at her.

"That will never happen" I shook my head at her and she laughed. "I never said it will but you never know. You never saw yourself being in love with him when you first met him correct?" my mom asked making me think back. "Well no" I shrugged. "Exactly. You never know what happens in life. You just have to wait for it to happen. And whatever happens, happens" my mom finished and she got up and kissed my head before walking back towards the fridge and grabbed some water.

"Thanks mom" I smiled. "No problem sweetie. Sorry I wasn't much help but just remember, you'll be happy in the end with whatever life throws at you. I know I am. I never imagined having a wonderful husband and two lovely daughters in my life but I do. And I will never want to trade this life with anyone else" my mom smiled making me chuckle.

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt