Last Show - Chapter 24

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Justin's POV

"What smells so good?" I heard Selena asked behind me as I flipped the chocolate chip pancake on the pan. I turned my head to catch a glimpse of her leaning against the counter wearing one of my shirts smiling wide.

"Making breakfast. Hungry?" I asked turning my head back to the pancakes. "Is that even a question?" Selena giggled making me chuckle. How could I forget? It's Selena and food.

"So what do you have planned for today?" I asked her as we sat down at her dining table and began to eat our pancakes. "I have a meeting about my new album today and I'm probably gonna head to the studio after to start looking over some songs" she answered.

"Are you gonna write the songs?" I asked her. Hey she's a good writer. "A couple but not all of them. I'm too lazy" she giggled making me laugh. "Hey we should write a song together. Just like old times. I mean only if you want to" she offered. "Of course I want to. I'd love that" I smiled back causing her to blush.

"Ok well thank you for breakfast, it was fabulous" Selena suddenly spoke up after finishing her stack of pancakes. She stood up from the table, grabbing her empty plate and placing it gently into the sink before coming to my side and leaving a soft kiss against my cheek. "But I have to go get ready for my meeting" she finished and walked towards the stairs. I won't lie I stared at her ass as her hips swayed back and forth when she walked further away from me.

"Nice ass!" I called out licking my lips though she couldn't see me. "Thank you!" she called back from the stairs leaving me chuckling to myself.


I decided to chill at Selena's while she was out at the studio. I wanted to surprise her with a nice dinner just in case she got tired out at the studio.

She texted me saying she was gonna be home around 9 and since it was only 7 I decided to watch a movie before I started dinner.

"Babe?" I heard a faint call from the front door. I stood up from the couch and made my way out of the living room and over to the front corridor to see Selena taking off her heels. "I thought you weren't gonna be home till later?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you have company or something?" she suddenly asked me. "What? No. I was gonna make you dinner but it was early so I was about to start watching a movie. Why are you home early?" I asked again.

"My producer was called down for something so we ended early. I texted you saying I was coming now" she laughed. I pulled out my phone to see I had an unread message from, Selena. Did I seriously not hear that go off?

"Oh. My bad" was all I said causing Selena to laugh. She leaned up to me and gave my lips a quick peck before walking into the living room. "So what are we watching?" Selena asked turning on the tv. "Whatever you want babe. I'm gonna start dinner since I obviously did not start yet" I chuckled to myself.

"No! No dinner. Come cuddle" Selena pouted as she rested her chin on top of her hands that were rested on the back of the couch. "Selena Marie Gomez saying no to food?" I raised an eyebrow laughing. "I'm saying no to food right now, yes to cuddling" she smiled.

I shook my head while laughing as I made my way around the couch and collasped next to her and she didn't waste any time before cuddling into my side as she through the blanket the was folded neatly on the end of the couch over our bodies.

I grabbed the remote that was on my right side and flicked on the tv where E news was airing. "So let's talk about new pop star Justin Bieber for a second" the guy said catching our attention. "Oh no. Don't tell me we have another troublemaker" the girl laughed making the guy laugh along.

"I'm afraid we do. 24 year old Justin Bieber who has a current girlfriend, or so we now know as former girlfriend, Caitlin Russo, who admitted that he cheated on her with pop sensation, and may I say the idol to millions of girls and we know her as American Sweetheart, Selena Gomez. Now this may not be true, as neither neither Justin nor Selena's rep is denying this rumour, but we've seen the two out and about for quite some time"

"Oh no" Selena muttered and I noticed she shifted her body so she was now sitting up straight, carefully listening to what they have to say.

"So either, Caitlin was jealous and made this up or Justin Bieber really is the bad boy from Canada and Selena Gomez may not be as innocent as people think she is" the girl finished and the guy agreed. "Well for now, we don't know the truth. So now we will just have to wait for them to speak up about this" the guy said making me turn off the tv.

"On a scale of one to ten, how mad are you?" I spoke up breaking the silence. "This is exactly why I didn't want any of this to happen" she replied never looking my way as her voice cracked. "I didn't mean for this to happen" I spoke softly leaning forwards so I was now sitting up straight next to Selena.

"You never mean anything to happen, but yet I'm always the one getting hurt" she admitted finally looking my way, eyes full of tears. "It's not as bad as it seems. They fully said no one knows the truth" I said pointing my hand at the tv even though the screen was black.

"But they do Justin. You did cheat on her with me. She told everyone the truth!" she cried. "But she has no proof! I can easily get us out of this" I told her. "How?" she chuckled with no humour in her voice. "Do you trust me?" I asked her taking her hand in mine. "It's kind of hard to trust you right now, especially after everything" she said pulling her hand away.

 "Fine. Don't trust me. But believe me when I say this. I promised you that we would be happy and everything was gonna be alright, and I'm keeping that promise" 

boo Caitlin! -.- 

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now