Last Show - Chapter 21

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Selena's POV

"Maddie!?" I asked in shock. "Hey cuz!" she smiled opening her arms and I ran straight into them. "Woah someone missed me" I heard her chuckle. "What are you doing here?" I asked her pulling away from her embrace. "Well, my company finally made it big and I thought we would come and visit" she smiled wrapping her arm around her new husband Cody.

"Woah woah woah, who do we have here?" she smirked looking behind me to see Justin. "Wait I thought" she began looking between me and him. "I'll explain later" I mouthed to her and she quickly nodded.

"Well, it's good seeing you buddy" she smiled walking over to him extending her hand out to shake his. "It's good seeing you too" he smiled back but once she got a grip of his hand I could see the pain on his face.

She whispered something into his ear and he quickly nodded his head making me curious to what she said.

Justin's POV

"Oh god I really hope Selena didn't tell her what happened between us" I thought to myself. Maddie's cool and all but she could really be aggressive when she needs to be and it's a little scary.

She walked over to me smiling as she extended her hand to shake mine and of course I shook it to be nice but then it felt like she was trying to break my hand.

"Hurt her one more fucking time and I will make sure you will never get to use that little dick of yours ever again got it?" she whispered into my ear making my eyes go wide. I quickly shook my head and she smiled before letting go of my numb hand.

"So how is the company anyways?" Selena asked Maddie. "It's good. We just opened up an office in Italy, Poland, France and the UK" Maddie replied still smiling. "Wow that's awesome" Selena said. "So what do you do?" I asked Maddie. "I have my own company and we build houses all across Canada and we're trying to go worldwide" Maddie answered. "Yup and I couldn't be more proud of her" Cody smiled before kissing her cheek.

"So what? You're not going into America?" Selena asked. "Well I'm currently doing the process to go into Colorado and Chicago. It's gonna take a while to go all over the world but we're getting there" Maddie answered.

"So what else did you two come down all the way here? I mean it's great seeing you two and you guys are more than welcomed to come whenever you'd like but I'm sure there's something else that brought you two here" Mandy suddenly spoke up. "Well it's Christmas and we haven't seen you guys since the wedding, but there is some news we wanted to share. I would've called but this seemed better" Maddie replied making Selena gasp.

"You guys aren't?" Selena asked in shocked looking in between Maddie and Cody. Maddie immediately knew what she was referring to as she shook her head smiling.

"We're pregnant" Maddie announced and everyone else cheered. "Wait, how can you have a baby?" Jaxon suddenly spoke up. "Shut up doofus, let them talk" Jazzy said slapping his arm. "Hey don't hit your brother" my mom warned her. "I'm sorry about that" my mom said to Maddie and Codyand Maddie quickly shook it off.

“It’s cool, and you’ll learn about it when you’re older” Maddie told him making him sigh sadly. “But the reason why we came down was to ask Selena if she would like to be the godmother" Maddie said looking over at Selena who still looked shocked. "Me?" She asked with wide eyes. "Yeah. I mean we see all the great things you do for your fans everyday on the news and you're the best cousin I ever had. And you're like my best friend too. We knew you would make an amazing godmother. So, how about it?" Maddie asked again.

"Oh my god. Yes!" Selena laughed before hugging the both of them. "I'm still confused" Jaxon spoke making everyone laugh. "I'll explain later" Jazzy sighed.

I can’t believe you guys don’t remember Maddie. Psh. Wow. That’s cool. Don’t even know the writer of the damn story’s name. Psh. *rolls eyes*

ugh i just finished a business test -.- and i got this huge test going on tomorrow and if i fail i wont graduate high school. yup. no pressure. not at all. 

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now