Last Show - Chapter 36

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I am soooo sorry. The police showed up last night and I was up till like 1 am talking to them. (Long story. Shit happened)

Selena's POV

"You don't have to stay here you know" I said looking at Justin as he sat on the chair next to the hospital bed. I just finished doing my tests and the doctors are waiting for the results to see if the baby is ok.

"Babe I haven't seen you in three days then I find out that you're pregnant, I ain't leaving you now. Unless you want me to leave" he rolled his eyes jokingly making me laugh. "No of course not. I just don't want you to be exhausted or anything" I pouted taking his hand in mine. "Don't worry, I'm fine" he smiled before leaning over and softly captured my lips between his.

"God I love you" he smiled once he pulled away making me giggle. "So how long do you have to wear that thing for?" I asked pointing at his arm sling. "Two weeks at least, why?" he asked as he sat back down on the chair. "Because now that I'm pregnant, my hormones are gonna be everywhere" I warned him making him gulp.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked. "Well both. I'm gonna want a lot of sex, food and take every chance I can to yell at you for no reason what so ever" I told him. "Oh so nothing new" he shrugged making me gasp. "Excuse me? I don't do- actually nevermind" I said making the two of us laugh.

"Miss Gomez?" the doctor called from the door. "Yes?" I asked looking past Justin towards the doctor. "We got the results back and everything seems to be ok. Take it easy the next few days and if you feel anything different, don't be afraid to come for a check up" the doctor told us.

"So the baby is ok?" I asked him. "The baby is perfectly fine" the doctor smiled. "Umm if you don't mind me asking but, how far along is she?" Justin asked the doctor. Why would he ask that? Did he honestly not think he was the father? "Umm about 2 months or so" the doctor said before looking over his clipboard. "Yeah just under two months" he clarified.

"So when can I go home?" I cut in. "Well if you would like to stay overnight you are more than welcome but if you would like to sign out now you can as well" the doctor said before walking out of the room.

"Well wasn't our Christmas a good one" Justin smirked up at me. "Shut up" I gasped slapping his arm playfully before carefully standing up from the bed. "Why did you ask how far along I was?" I asked him as I turned my back to face him. "I was just curious. I wanted to know when the baby was coming" he replied simply and I can visualize him shrugging. "Why? What did you think the reason was?" he asked me.

"I just thought you thought that you might not be the father or something" I whispered as I dropped my head down to look at the floor. "Should I be thinking that?" he chuckled. "No! Of course you're the father. Unless it's God's then in that case it's not my fault" I shook my head turning around to face him as we both laughed.

I made my way over to the side of the room where my clothes were folded neatly on the chair. "Need some help?" Justin asked from behind me. "Wipe that smirk off your face" I laughed not even feeling the need to look at him as I knew he would be smirking.

"I don't have a smirk on my face. I'm serious. Do you want some help changing or are you good?" Justin asked again as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his lips against my bare shoulder.

"I'm good but thank you. Plus I don't think you can help me" I smiled referring to the arm sling. I turned to face him and pecked his cheek before making my way into the bathroom and quickly got changed into my own clothes. "You ready?" Justin asked as I walked back out into the room. "Yeah. Leggo" I giggled making him chuckle.

"Don't try to be cool babe" he said as he took my hand into his and we walked down to the receptionist so I could be signed out. "I don't have to try. I'm already cool" I smiled as I popped my imaginary collar.

"Are you sure you're pregnant? Cause I don't think 9 year old's can get pregnant" Justin joked looking down at me. "Shut up you're literally like 4 months older than me" I said slapping his right arm making him laugh again.

"I love you" Justin suddenly said as he looked back down at me. "Yeah you're cool too" I rolled my eyes playfully only causing him to stop. "What?" I asked turning to face him. "I'm not walking out of here until you say it back" he said letting go of my hand then stuffed his hand into his pocket. "Now who's the 9 year old?" I asked making us both laugh.

"I love you so so so so much" I smiled before standing on my tippy toes and pecked his lips.

Justin's POV

"Give me the keys" Selena said as we stood outside of the hospital. "What keys?" I asked her. "The keys to the car doofus" she said sticking out her hand. "Umm first off you're not driving" I said before she cut me off. "Well you can't drive you have an arm sling on!" Selena argued.

"Selena no one is driving!" I shouted a little and she looked at me confused. "I came here with you on the ambulance remember? No one drove here" I told her making her purse her lips. "Oh. Well then how are we getting home?" she asked.

"Your mother is right there" I said pointing my finger at the car that was pulling up in front of the hospital. Thank god there wasn't any paparazzi. "Mom!" Selena screamed as her mom got out of the car and they wrapped their arms around each other.

"Thank god you're ok" Mandy said as she cupped Selena's face in between her hands before kissing her forehead making me chuckle slightly. "Justin informed of everything. So you're really pregnant?" Mandy asked her. "Yup. You're gonna be a grandma" Selena said making both me and Mandy smile.

"Hurt her again" Mandy warned as she pointed a finger at me. "I know, I know. No more babies from me I got it" I said raising my hands up defensively. "Don't worry. I don't have any intentions of hurting your daughter ever again" I told her and she nodded in response.

"Alright well get in" Mandy said as she jumped into the drivers seat. "Yes let's go home so you can give me a nice massage" I smiled as I reached for the back door. "Ha you wish" I heard Selena laugh before I watched her walk around the car and jumped into the passenger seat.


"God I am so tired" Selena yawned as she whipped off her shirt and tore off her jeans before grabbing a pair of her pajama shorts and a tank top from her dresser and quickly threw them on before carefully laid down on the bed.

"Sleeping on a chair for three days is not as fun as you think it is" Selena yawned once again. "Babe?" I said getting her attention. "Yeah?" she asked turning her head to face me. "I kind of need some help" I mumbled moving my injured arm slightly and looked down at my clothes.

"Oh haha. I'm sorry" she chuckled before getting up from the bed and made her way over to me. "Alright, I'm gonna take this off just for a minute" she said more to herself as she un-clipped my arm sling and the strap hung off on one side. She cautiously took the whole thing off before slowly taking off my shirt.

"Usually when I do this, it's so I could take you on right here and now" she laughed making me chuckle. "Alright no smirking" she warned as she began to unzip my pants and I couldn't help but bite my bottom lip.

"Justin" Selena said as I felt my pants wrap around my ankles. I shook my feet so my jeans would fully come off when I heard Selena laugh. "Why are you laughing?" I asked her. "No reason" she muffled into her hand as it cupped over her mouth. I followed her gaze and ended up looking down to see a bulge growing through my boxers.

"Oh give me a break you were taking off my pants!" I groaned as I grabbed my arm sling from the bed and attempted to put it back on only to be stopped by Selena. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't laugh" she said as she finished putting my sling back on.

"Now sit down" Selena commanded. I looked at her confused making her roll her eyes and she pushed me towards the bed. "What are you doing?" I asked her as she began to straddle my lap.

"I haven't seen you in three days. Can I make out with my boyfriend for 5 minutes?" she asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yeah that sounds good with me" I replied licking my lips before she pressed her lips against mine.

see now they're being cute again!

and Nick is dead and Zayn and Caitlin are gone and everything is all nice again :)

well, for now... *smirks*

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now