Last Show - Chapter 42

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No One's POV

"Geez calm down will ya?" Selena laughed as Justin continued to tap his foot against the cold tiled floor. "I'm trying" he shot back jokingly letting out a small laugh afterwards. "What is taking them so long?" Justin asked as he looked around the waiting room hoping to see a doctor to come out by now.

"Babe, our appointment is at 2:15. It's only 2:10 since someone was in a bit of a rush" Selena rolled her eyes as Justin's tightened his grip on her hand. "Well I'm sorry that I really want to know whether it's going to be a boy or a girl" Justin said turning his head to look at his beautiful fiancé.

"Why do you want to know so bad? Do you really want to be disappointed when you find out it's not what you want?" Selena asked making his eyebrows knot together. "Are you kidding me? You honestly think I would be disappointed whether it was a boy or a girl?" he snapped trying not to be make this into an argument.

"You never even told me what you wanted. Or why you want to know so bad" Selena sighed looking down at their intertwined hands. "I don't care what the gender is. As long as it's happy and healthy then that's all that matters. And I want to know so then I could start working on the nursery" Justin smiled as he lifted Selena's head so she could see his warming smile.

She couldn't help the growing smile on her face when she leaned over to peck his lips. "I love you Selena. And I love this baby. Boy or girl, I'm going to love them just as much as I love you" he sad before pecking her lips one more time before pulling away when they heard their names being called.

"It's good to see you again Miss. Gomez" Dr. Kendrick smiled once they walked into the room. "Please, take a seat while I get everything set up" she instructed before turning around to face her tools. Selena walked over to the small bed that was set up to a sitting position, before laying down on top of it followed by Justin sitting down in the small chair next to it as he took her hand in his, kissing the back of it when Dr. Kendrick turned back to face them.

"Alright so we're just going to raise your top just a little just so we could see the belly" the doctor said. Selena arched her back a little so it would be easier for her to raise her top making her belly poke out. "It may be cold at first" the doctor warned as she held a bottle of gel above Selena's stomach.

She squirted a little bit of gel onto Selena's belly who hissed at the sudden coldness, then turned the machine on making the screen light up once she pressed the small camera onto Selena's stomach. After a couple minutes of waiting for a clear picture, they finally saw it.

"Oh my god" Selena whispered as her hand flew up to her mouth, fighting the tears that wanted to break out when she finally saw her baby. "That's our baby" Justin chuckled when a single tear fell down his cheek. "That's our baby" Selena repeated to herself, tears finally fell down her cheeks as Justin pressed his lips against her forehead.

"Would you like to know to know the sex?" Dr. Kendrick asked the two. "Yes!" Justin answered ecstatic. "Yes please" Selena giggled as she watched Justin's reaction, making the doctor laugh as well.

"Well, congratulations. Seems like you will be having a baby girl" the doctor announced as she continued to check the monitor and Justin beamed with happiness. "We're having a girl" he smiled looking down at Selena as he was now hovering above her head.

"You happy with that?" Selena asked looking up at Justin. "Happy is an understatement" he replied making the two chuckle before he pressed his lips against hers and held it there for a short moment but quickly pulled away knowing they weren't alone.

"Would you like for me to scan the pictures?" the doctor asked them and they quickly nodded in response, making her leave the room to receive the pictures.

"This is going to be amazing baby" Justin smiled before pressing his lips against Selena's once again. "I love you so much Sel" he whispered once he pulled away. "I love you too Jay"

awwww they're having a girl :)

sorry the last two were so short :(

I wont be posting for a while. My niece is coming home on thursday and so I'm wanna spend some time with her and yea....

I'll post another chapter tomorrow but idk when i'll update again 

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now