Last Show - Chapter 16

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Sorry for the wait. Got 2 projects due this week and I didn't start either of them 😁 I'm screwed.

Justin's POV

"So you got your first music video coming out on Christmas correct?" Ellen asked me referring to my first single, As Long As You Love Me. "Yup. I'm very excited about it too. I think my beliebers will like it" I flashed a smile towards the camera. "Well the song itself is amazing" Ellen complimented and I thanked her in return.

"So what do you have planned for the holidays?" She asked. "Well I'm gonna spend some time with my family and friends. And I'm gonna finish up my first album" I answered and the crowd went nuts.

"Wow so when will we be expecting the album release?" She questioned and everyone went silent. "Well first I need to finish writing the album" I laughed and everyone else joined. "And then we would have to do the album cover photoshoot and do all of that stuff so hopefully by the summer time" I told her and the crowd cheered. I wonder of they would cheer to me sneezing? Crazy people these days my lord.

"So will you have a special someone this holiday?" Ellen smirked at me. "Umm yes. Yes I will. Well, I'll try to get that special someone"

No one's POV

"Well I'll try to get that special someone" Justin said honestly, though he was afraid who was watching. Not even knowing that both of his special girls are watching.

"What does he mean 'he'll try to get that special someone'?" Caitlin shouted towards her best friend Chantel. "He's so going to hook up with Selena" she replied kicking her feet up onto the coffee table. "Don't act calm about this! We can't have him get Selena back remember?!" She screamed as her blood began to boil in anger. "You can't have that happen. Not we. I'm out of his plan remember?" Chantel shot back only to earn an eye roll from Caitlin.

"Oooh Selly's gonna get her freak on!" Demi laughed as her best friend sat there in shock. "What are you talking about? He's not talking about me" Selena replied obviously lying to not only her best friend but to herself. She couldn't contain her excitement but at the same time she didn't want to act like a teenager about it in front of Demi.

"Selena. You and I both know you're happy right now" Demi smirked towards Selena. "I hate it that you know me so well" Selena groaned jokingly. "You know what this means" Demi smiled.

"DRESS SHOPPING!" The two girls cheered before getting up from the couch and headed to the mall.

Ooo I hear jelena news. 😏


Maybe not

We'll see.

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now