Last Show - Chapter 30

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Selena's POV

From: Jay

Dinner tonight. Be ready by 7. Love you :*

To: Jay

Wow so demanding :>

From: Jay

You know you love it ;)

"What you all giggly about?" Maddie asked smirking as she looked at me from the other couch. "Nothin" I lied biting my lip trying not to smile. "Are you sexting Justin?" she gasped earning a pillow being thrown at her face. "I am not sexting Justin!" I yelled defensively only for her to laugh.

"Hey it's cool you know. Whatever floats your boat and all" she said raising her hands in defense only for me to look at her in confusion. "You're so weird" I laughed. "And you love me for it" she smiled widely.

"But seriously what's going on?" she asked me, pausing the movie we were currently watching before turning her body to face me. "Justin's just taking me out to dinner that's all" I told her, shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing but then I noticed her smirking in the corner of my eye.

"Yup just dinner. That's all" she repeated adding a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "You're so dirty oh my god!" I laughed causing her to laugh harder. She has always been the type of girl who would laugh when someone else laughs. I don't know why but she does.

"How are you married again?" I asked her. "Because I'm fucking awesome like that" she exaggerated, sticking her tongue out at me, causing the two of us to laugh.


"Relax you look fine" Maddie groaned, her back lying on my bed as her legs dangled off the side with her hands behind her head for support. "Fine is not good enough" I shot back as I continued to fix the hem of my dress while looking at the full length body mirror.

I heard a loud sigh escape from Maddie when I saw her reflection behind me through the mirror. Her body rose from the bed then made her way over to my side. "You look amazing. And this is Justin were talking about. He doesn't care how you look. He loves you more than anything meaning stop obsessing over the way you look" she laughed as she fixed my necklace then messed with my hair, letting the curls flow down past my shoulders.

"You're right. Sorry" I mumbled finally straightening myself out as I took one final glance at my reflection. I was wearing a tight, strapless, royal blue dress that just stopped above my knees with a pair of black stilettos. My hair was curled down and I wore light makeup because knowing Justin, he wouldn't want me wearing too much.


"He's early" I commented looking at the clock saying it was only quarter to 7. "Maybe he was just getting anxious to see you" Maddie smirked making me chuckle. We made our way downstairs after I made sure I grabbed my purse off my bed with my phone and other things I needed packed inside.

I reached for the door nob on the front door before pulling it open with a smile on my face only to reveal Zayn.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" I asked as my smile faded away. "Don't you know, I'm taking you out" he smirked examining my outfit. I looked at him confused making him chuckle nervously. "That was a joke. I just came to see if you wanted to hang out with me tonight, none of the boys had your number so I couldn't exactly call you" he said still nervous as he scratched the back of his neck.

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now