Last Show - Chapter 43

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Selena's POV

"Are you coming?" I heard Justin call from downstairs as I slipped on a pair of flip-flops. "Yeah one second!" I called back as I began to get annoyed. Damn mood swings. 

Justin has been begging me all morning to get dressed so we can start doing the nursery. Why? I don't even know but he's obviously eager to start working on it. 

"You know if you needed help you could've just asked me" Justin said as I made my way down the stairs. "I know" I replied simply as I grabbed my purse off of the small table by the door. "Alright" Justin mumbled before opening the door for me then followed me out, remembering to lock the door of course. 

"Alright so do you want to go to Target first to pick up all the stuff then paint or paint then stuff?" Justin asked as we pulled out of the driveway. "Doesn't matter" I answered turning on the radio. "And it begins" I heard Justin mumble under his breath. 

"And what begins?" I snapped at him turning off the radio. "The crazy hormones. The 'yelling at me for no reason' stuff" he replied as we stopped at a red light. "Oh I get it. The baby is hurting your feelings isn't it?" I shot at him. I don't even know why I'm angry. I just am. 

"Wow. Yup you're right Sel. That's exactly it" he shot back before stepping on the gas when the light turned green. "Fine I guess you can just leave then" I mumbled before resting my head in my hand as my elbow rested against the door. 

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? Ok I'm just gonna get you some McDonalds to shut you up because this is ridiculous" Justin snapped before turning into a plaza where the McDonalds was. "Oh yeah cause McDonalds is going to make everything better right?" I snapped back only for him to ignore me. 

"With you it does" he suddenly said before ordering 2 oreo McFlurries and 3 double cheeseburgers from the drive-thru. "Keep the change" Justin smiled politely to the young lady as he gave her a $10 bill. "Here" Justin said handing me a bag as he put the ice cream into the cup holders. 

Suddenly, I heard myself mumble a quiet "thank you". 

"Wow. That worked? I guess I found my solution for every time you yell at me for no reason" Justin chuckled making me let out a soft giggle. "Shut up" I said jokingly shooting him a small smile as he drove out of the plaza. 

"I'm sorry" I muttered as we pulled up in front of Home Depot. (idk if thats in LA) "Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for" Justin said killing the engine to his car. "Yes I do. I snapped at you for no reason and I'm sorry" I said before Justin quickly pressed his lips against mine. "I said you have nothing to be sorry for so stop apologizing" he said pulling away from the kiss. 

"Maybe I should keep apologizing if it keeps getting you to do that" I smirked back at him only for him to chuckle slightly before pressing his lips against mine once again. I brought one hand up to the back of his neck, deepening the kiss when I felt his hand rest against my hip. 

Our lips were moving in sync before Justin pulled away breathlessly. "Babe, someone can see us" he chuckled still keeping his face close to mine. "I don't care" I laughed before pulling him back close and captured his lips between mine. 

Suddenly, I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip begging for entrance which I gladly granted. Our tongues began to fight for dominance as I felt his grip tightened on my hip and my heart began to race inside of my chest. 

"Nope. Your hormones are gonna go crazy and you're gonna start teasing me in the middle of the store and I seriously don't need the next headline to be 'Justin Bieber gets a boner while shopping'" he said after he pulled away from the heated kiss making me giggle slightly. 

"Oh like I wasn't going to do that in the first place" I laughed making him glare at me. "Don't even try" he said shaking his head before getting out of the car and ran to my side to open the door for me. 

We began to make our way inside and headed to the back where the paints are. "Oh wow. Hi" the girl smiled as she saw us come up to the desk. "Hi we need two buckets of pink paint" Justin smiled to the girl who looked at him then me as both me and her started to laugh. 

"What?" Justin asked confused. "Oh it's a good thing I'm here" I smiled patting his shoulder only to earn an even more confused look from him. "Two pink blooms please" I smiled to the girl who nodded her head in response before turning on the machine and began to mix colours. 

"Pink bloom?" Justin asked me raising an eyebrow obviously still confused. "You can't just ask for pink paint Jay. There are different shades of pink" I told him only for him to make an 'o' with his mouth. "Oh. I didn't know that" he said. "Clearly" 

"Alright, two pink blooms" the girl smiled placing the buckets onto the counter. "Will that be everything?" the girl asked. "Umm no. We need paint brushes as well" Justin said before running to the side and grabbing a bunch of different stuff from the racks. 

"Quite the guy you got there" the girl laughed as we watched Justin grab a bunch of random stuff from the isle. "Yup. He's quite something isn't he?" I laughed as Justin dropped a paintbrush making him groan. 

"So what are you naming her?" the girl asked after we finished laughing at Justin. "We don't know yet. We haven't really talked about it" I told her and suddenly Justin came back before carefully dropping everything onto the counter. 

"Alright now that's everything. Oh and thanks for the help babe" Justin said looking down at me. "You seemed to have it under control" I replied making both me and the girl laugh as she finished scanning all of our items. 

"Would you like a cart to take all of this to your car?" the girl asked once Justin finished paying. "Yes please" I answered giving her a small smile before she nodded and headed to the front to grab us a cart. 

"I did not have it under control you were just too busy laughing at me" Justin said pouting his bottom lip making me laugh. "I'm sorry" I laughed as I buried my face into his very comfortable chest. "Yeah yeah yeah" I heard Justin mumble but I knew he was laughing as his chest rose then fell quickly. 

"Hmm you're comfy" I mumbled wrapping my arms around his waist and turned my head so I could breathe properly. "Thanks" Justin chuckled before kissing the top of my head making me smile. 


"Ok so what do we need?" Justin asked as we walked up to the baby section in Target. "Umm, everything?" I laughed looking at the large variety of baby stuff. "Ok I know were rich and all but come on now" Justin said looking down at me. "No seriously. We pretty much need everything. Clothes, food can wait, crib, high chair, toys, rocker, changing table, diapers, wipes, bottles, diaper genie, bottle sanitizer" I listed off before Justin cut me off. 

"Wait, diaper genie? Bottle sanitizer? Jesus were having a baby not building a zoo what is this?" he groaned rubbing his forehead making me chuckle. "You think raising a baby is easy?" I asked him. "No but I didn't think we need to buy so much stuff" he said. "And we have to baby proof the house. But I think that can wait a few months since the baby won't be crawling or walking anytime soon" I told him. 

"You sure you're ready for this?" I asked him after giving him a minute to process everything. "Yup. Plus we still have another 4 months till the baby comes so, I still have time. But I'm good" he assured both me and himself. 

idk this was just a random chapter but it'll make sense in the next chapter which will be up tomorrow. :)

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang