Last Show - Chapter 33

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Selena's POV

"Alright bitch wake up!" I heard Caitlin yell. My eyes flickered open to see Za walking in with a tray that held a plate of food and a glass of coca-cola. Or what seems to be coke. Caitlin walked out of the room leaving me with Za. "I thought you were going back to Canada" I questioned him as he sat down in front of me with the tray resting on his lap.

"Twist left. I stayed here. Needed to make sure you didn't get hurt" he said simply before cutting up a piece of the steak and held the fork in front of my mouth. "Relax it's not poisoned" he chuckled as he noticed my expression as I stared at the piece of steak.

I opened my mouth and he slowly placed the piece onto my tongue. My mouth watered as I savoured the taste. "Told you it wasn't poisoned" Za chuckled. "I thought we weren't friends" I smirked at him once I swallowed the mashed potatoes he fed me.

"We aren't. But that doesn't mean I don't care about you. We grew up together. Remember?" he chuckled and I thought back to when we were kids and went to elementary school and high school together. "Yeah I remember" I smiled.

"I wanted to tell Justin" he suddenly spoke up and I noticed I was almost finished the plate of food. "Tell him what?" I asked confused and he put a straw into the glass of the bubbly substance and stuck the glass in front of me.

I took a sip from the straw to notice I was right. It was coke.

"Tell him where you were. I kept your phone and I was gonna text him or something and tell him but I just couldn't do it" he admitted. "Why not?" I asked him. "Because Nick has a plan that has to do with Justin. And no matter what Justin's always gonna be the one who sold us out" Za said angrily as his jaw began to clench.

"What did he do?" I asked with curiosity. Za sighed before he spoke up. "Me, him and Twist joined a gang. Justin kept acting like the leader of everyone but we all knew he wasn't. We ignored him but it made him angry. He always made up the plans, and even when they were good plans we just never went with them because we knew it would get to him"

"One day we went to do a drug deal, and Justin decided to be an idiot and go against us and do his own thing. We spent days working on a plan but he just showed up and he ruined everything. Ended up getting one of our own killed. Instead of apologizing and fixing his ways, he left. Started his own gang with two of our people, Jesse and Amanda and a bunch of other guys"

"He went after us for money and just kept giving us shit. Told the cops about us. Me and Twist were on the run for years. We stopped doing all that shit but Justin kept it up. Cops found us but had no evidence so we didn't get arrested or anything"

"He was known for being the total ladies man. Slept with every living girl in Stratford. Killed guys that went against him. If you came back the past few years, you would have never recognized him" He finally finished. I just sat there and tried to process everything he had just said.

Justin. The love of my life. The one I trusted with my life. Was a part of a gang? A killer?

"You see" someone suddenly spoke up from behind Za. There stood Nick with a smirk on his face. "Justin's not the person you thought he was" he said still smirking. "You can leave now" he commanded Za who just nodded and grabbed the tray before walking past Nick and I heard his footsteps go up the stairs.

"That doesn't mean I'm gonna start loving you. You're exactly the same Nick. You killed his grandfather!" I screamed, tears building up in my eyes. "Oh boo hoo! He was dying anyways" Nick sneered. "That didn't mean you had to kill him" I snapped.

"Justin had it coming! He took you away from me!" Nick yelled. "No! You pushed me away! Justin didn't come into my life until after you cheated and broke up with me! Justin didn't take me away from you. He healed my heart that was broken by you. He loved me. He treated me with respect and he cared about me!" I cried out.

"He was the best thing that has ever happened to me and you just had to be fucking selfish and take the only thing that gave me a reason to live away from me" I finished trying to hold back the sobs that were fighting to come out.

I looked up only to see Nick walking away leaving me to let out every single cry that was built up inside of me. My eyes began to feel heavy when I heard a soft voice in front of me. "I'm sorry" it said. I looked up to see Caitlin standing there with sad eyes.

"I never knew how much Justin meant to you. And I didn't know Nick was coming here for you. I honestly thought he just wanted revenge" she said before taking a seat in front of me. "Why are you apologizing?" I asked her. "Because you don't deserve this. You never did anything wrong. Though you hated my guts you still tried to be nice to me because you thought Justin loved me" she chuckled making me let out a small laugh.

"I wish I could do something to help you but you know Nick. He won't stop. But I'm sure something good will happen. Maybe Za will think of something" she shrugged before standing back up and headed towards the door. "Just stay strong. I'm sure everything will work itself out"

Justin's POV

"We need you in the studio" Scooter said on the other side of the line. "Are you stupid? I'm not fucking going to the studio! My girlfriend just got kidnapped I need to find her!" I screamed into the speaker. "I understand that but the police are doing their job and now it's your turn to do yours. Your album is coming out soon and you still need to finish recording some of the songs" he snapped.

"They're gonna find her don't worry. But you need to get your ass back to work now" he finished before hanging up. "For fuck sakes" I groaned to myself before running my fingers through my hair.

I grabbed my keys before jumping into my car and headed towards the studio. I hated doing this knowing Selena was with Nick but there just wasn't anything I could do at this point. It's been three days but it feels as if its been a year. I miss my baby. I miss her smile. Her laugh. The way she cuddles into my side when were asleep. Ugh I just miss her.

I finally pulled up in front of the studio before cutting off my engine and exited my car before making my way to the front entrance. "Well if it isn't Justin Bieber" a husky voice snorted behind me. I turned around to see...


hehehe I'm such an ass :)

who do you think it is?

what are they going to do?

duh duh duhhhhh

but omg Justin was in a gang? :O

ill be nice and post the next chapter tonight :)

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now