Last Show - Chapter 47

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Selena's POV

"Alright spit it out!" Sammy said letting go of Dylan's and he immediately ran towards the couch and began to watch tv. "Spit what out? I don't have gum in my mouth" I said playing dumb. Damn it why did I tell her we picked out the name already?

"Don't play dumb with me. I want to know the name" Sammy said putting her hands onto her hips as she sent me a cold glare. "The name of what? My new song? Oh yeah I'm working on a new song called" I began before getting cut off.

"Selena Marie Gomez I swear to God stop that!" she yelled before we both bursted into laughter. "I'm sorry I had to" Sammy said in between her laughs making me laugh harder. "Oh god Sammy you kill me" I cried wiping the tear from under my eye.

"No but seriously I want to know" Sammy said as our laughing fit ended. "I know you do but I wanted to tell everyone at once" I pouted. "I won't tell I promise" she pouted back making me sigh. "Fine but not a single word to anyone got it?" I pointed a finger at her only for her to do the zip-lock sign with her lip.

"Emory Sophie Bieber" I told her smiling only for her to smile even wider. "Oh my gosh Sel! That's so cute!" she screamed before wrapping her arms around me making me laugh. "You came up with that?" she asked once she pulled away.

"Actually Justin did. Well I came up with Emory but he did the rest" I chuckled and she joined. "Ugh why do you get the cute one? Mine's just a dork" she pouted making me laugh. "Yeah but dorks are better than jerks right?" I questioned and she nodded laughing. "Yeah you're right"

Suddenly, we heard gun shots firing. I turned towards the tv thinking it was coming from there but only saw Dylan watching Spongebob. I looked at Sammy and both of us looked shocked and scared before she ran towards the front door screaming Chaz's name.

"Dylan stay right here and don't move understand?" I said looking at Dylan who just looked at the tv. Yeah speak to a one year old, good job Sel.

I quickly hurried to the porch only to see something I did not want to see.

Justin's POV

"Chaz!!" I yelled as I watched him fall to the ground as his stomach was oozing with blood. "Chaz!!!" I heard Sammy scream from the front door. I hurried over to him before resting his head onto my lap. "Chaz stay with me come on. Chaz don't close your eyes" I commanded and I felt tears prickle at my eyes as I continued to fight them back.

"No no no Chaz don't close your eyes" I sniffled as I looked down at my best friend who began to look pale. "Sel call 911 now" I yelled towards Selena who was now standing on the porch, her phone already in her hands.

"Chaz baby please stay with me. Please you can't die. Please" Sammy cried as she kneeled on the other side of Chaz, holding onto his hand. "Sammy" he croaked making her cry even harder. "Please just hang on please" Sammy cried.

"I love you so much Sam" he coughed as his other hand clung onto his bleeding stomach. "Tell Dylan his daddy loves him" he said and I noticed a tear fall from his eye. "Chaz shut up. You are not dying on us" I screamed.

"Be a good dad Justin. Don't be an idiot" Chaz chuckled before coughing really hard. "Chaz just hang on please the ambulance is coming just hang on please" Sammy cried pressing her forehead against his as more tears fell from her eyes.

"I love you Sam" he croaked once again. "I love you too Chaz. I love you so much but please just hang on. You can't leave me" she cried and I suddenly noticed Selena standing next to me as tears fell from her eyes.

"Chaz please don't close your eyes" Sammy cried pressing her lips against his. "Please stay with me. Please" she cried out once she pulled away. "You're gonna be ok Chaz just hang on" I repeated when I saw the ambulance pull up into the driveway.


I can't believe you guys thought I was gonna hurt Selena or Emory. And Sammy the bad girl? Come on now. 

Who thinks Chaz is gonna die? 

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaWhere stories live. Discover now