Last Show - Chapter 28

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Selena's POV

"OH MY GOD!!!! HARRY! LOUIS!" I screamed in shock before swinging the door open fully and jumped straight into their arms. "Hey Selly! I see someone missed us" Harry smirked looking down at me. Holy shit he's so tall now.

"Well of course I did! I haven't seen you guys since high school!" I said still in shock. "Woah who do we have here?" I asked them looking behind them to see three guys standing behind them, shoving their hands into their pockets awkwardly.

"Selena, this is the boys" Harry started. He pointed at the short blond one first. "This is Niall" he introduced before moving his hand towards the taller brown haired boy who looked a little like Justin. "This is Liam" he said then finally moving to the last one who was dark skinned and very attractive. "And this is Zayn. We're sort of a band now" Harry finished chuckling a little.

"Well it's very nice to meet you all, come on in" I offered standing to the side as the five boys made their way into the house. "How did you know where I lived?" I asked after shutting the door behind them. "Justin invited us" Louis laughed making me look over at Justin who was standing there smiling. "Of course he did" I laughed.

"Holy shit that's Justin Bieber" I heard Niall whisper to Liam who just smacked his arm making me laugh to myself. "Well come on out back, we're just having a barbeque, some of the guys are here" I smiled to Harry and Louis making them smile cheekly. They all headed out to the back and I heard some screams, most likely from Ash and Demi. Nothing to be concerned about.

"Oh my god Justin! One Direction is here!" Jazzy screamed as her head poked through the door making mine and Justin's head snap in her direction. "Yes now go talk to them. But don't make them uncomfortable" Justin told her and she screamed once again.

"I can't believe you did that" I laughed shaking my head at him. "I thought you missed them and I thought, why not?" he shrugged smiling at me. "Thank you" I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's nothing. But you're welcome" he smiled back before pecking my lips a couple of times causing me to giggle.

"Come on, let's go see everyone"

Justin's POV

"So wait wait wait, you all auditioned for X Factor seperatly" Ash began before being cut off by Harry. "Me and Louis were together but the rest of them were seperated" Harry told her. "Ok. And in the final elimination, Simon ended up putting you all into a group, you all made it to the final round, came in second place, but you're still being signed to a label?" Ash finished. "Yup" Louis nodded.

"So what's happening to the other band?" Demi asked. "They're being signed to the label as well but everyone thinks they're just gonna end up being a one hit wonder or something. I don't know not a lot of people like them though" Zayn said laughing.

"So what are you guys doing here anyways?" Selena asked. "We're filming our first video here and we have a bunch of meetings about our album. They're already planning a tour" Harry answered chuckling at the end.

"So tell us a little about yourselves" Selena smiled mostly towards Zayn. Should I be jealous? No. She just met the guy. Plus she loves me. I have nothing to worry about. Right?

"Well what do you want to know?" Zayn smirked at Selena causing her to giggle. Ok now he's just crossing the line.

"Tell us some interesting facts or just simple things" Demi cut in but started to glare at Selena once Liam began to speak. Yup. I'm not the only one who sees it.

I mostly tuned out what Liam said as I was too busy watching Selena as she kept taking quick glances between Liam and Zayn. Ok I swear to god I'm going to punch the dude soon.

"What about you Niall?" Ashley asked once Liam finished. "Umm" he mumbled playing with his fingers. "He's a little shy" Liam spoke up and the girls awed. "Aww there's no need to be shy" Selena cooed making Niall laugh a little.

Niall started to talk a little about himself but it was just simple and short things. "What about you?" Selena asked looking at Zayn who was paying a little too much attention to her. "Umm, let's see, I'm 24, single" he pointed out like he wanted them to catch that. "Normal lad from England with 2 little sisters and I like to draw" he shrugged not knowing what else to say.

Alright I'm getting tired of this. I stood up before making my way to the patio where my family and Selena's family were sitting at the patio table talking. "You alright man?" Ryan asked coming up behind me as I grabbed a beer from the cooler that was sitting beside the barbeque on the other side of the patio away from the family.

"Fine" I lied causing him to send me a cold glare. "Tell me she's not flirting with that idiot" I asked him taking a sip from the beer bottle. I stared at the circle of people that were gathered around the fire. The boys were sitting next to each other as Selena sat next to Zayn and the girls on the other side of the circle. I felt my body tense when I saw Selena laugh really hard at something Zayn said.

"I should leave" I spoke up setting the bottle down onto the ledge of the patio. "You're not going to say bye?" Ryan asked me. "Why should I? Not like anyone's going to notice I'm gone" I scuffed looking back at the circle to see everyone laughing.

"I'll see you later man" I gave Ryan a handshake before grabbing my jacket and got into my car and made my way home. Well my house. Can't really call it a home when Selena's not there.

Selena's POV

"Where did Justin go?" I asked Demi, looking around the dark backyard only to see the lights coming from my kitchen and the patio lights with my family and Justin's family still talking to one another, but no Justin. "He left" Ryan said simply behind me. "What do you mean he left?" I asked him.

"I mean, he got up, went to his car, and drove away" he said slowly and clearly. "Why would he leave?" I asked him and my stomach began to turn, the feeling of guilt spreading throughout my body. How did I not see him leave?

"I don't know. Maybe you should ask Zayn" he replied coldly. Shit.

I made my way back inside my house before grabbing my phone from my pocket and dialled Justin's number.

"What?" he answered coldly. "Why did you leave?" I asked him. My throat began to dry up afraid of what he might say. He can say some pretty mean things when he's angry and I can tell he's pissed right now.

"You mean why I left an hour ago?" he clarified. Has it seriously been an hour? "I don't know. Maybe Zayn will know" he snapped before the line went dead.

"You ok?" I heard a faint, but yet rough voice call out from behind me as I placed my phone onto the counter. I turned to see Zayn standing there looking worried. "I'm fine" I told him looking down at the ground. "You sure?" he asked and I saw his feet stop in front of me.

Don't look up. Don't look up.

"Yeah just hoping Justin made it home safe" I lied again taking a few steps away from him never tearing my gaze off the floor. "Oh alright" he mumbled.

"There you are" Liam said coming into the kitchen. "Sorry am I interuppting somthing?" he asked looking inbetween me and Zayn. "No not at all" I answered rather too quickly. "What's up?" Zayn asked him. "Umm we gotta go. It's getting late and we have to get up early for our meeting" Liam told him and the boys made their way inside.

"Oh alright" Zayn muttered. I walked them over to the front door and Liam and Niall just said a simple bye. "Goodnight Selena" Zayn said giving me a weak smile before following the others. "Bye Sel" Harry and Louis smiled pulling me into a hug. "Bye guys. Come back soon. Don't be strangers got it?" I told them making them chuckle. They both nodded and followed the rest and I watched them all get into an SUV and drove away.

Justin and Selena just can't seem to stop fighting *rolls eyes*

but awww Harry and Louis are back :)

cant believe yall didnt get it

 so Selena and Zayn eh? 

The Last Show (Sequel to Show Time) Jelena/JustlenaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora