was just so empty and abandoned. I miss him terribly.

"Ms. Hayze?"

"Huh?" I said snapping out of my daydream.

"Could you please identify this vital organ in the frog?" asked my Biology teacher, Mr. Fargates pointing to a cut open frog.

I didn't even realize it was already fifth period. I don't even remember having lunch. However I shook my head and glared at the frog.

"Um is it the..." The bell rang just in time ending fifth period.

"I'll tell you tomorrow Mr. F," I said smiling. I quickly walked out of his class and ran right into a kid I've never seen before.

He's gorgeous, I thought. Wait no I love Derwin.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't looking. I didn't mean to bump into you." I kept running my mouth until he held up a hand silencing me. He spoke in the most angelic

voice I've ever heard.

"It was my fault. I'm new here. My name is Yuki." He stuck out his hand and I just stared at it. Eventually my brain registered what it meant and I shook it.

"Oh, Yuki. That's a really unique name."

"Yeah it means snow in Japanese." He smiled a brilliant smile that left me breathless.

"Are you Japanese?"

"My mother is. I know I just look like a plain old white boy but I guess that makes me Japanese as well. I was born in Romania. My father is Romanian." He

smiled his perfect smile once again.

He was far from a "plain old white boy". He had the most striking amber eyes. His hair was strawberry blonde with a single streak of

black in it. He had short bangs that stopped just above his eyebrow. He was about five foot ten and he had just the right amount of muscle. Not that I was

looking. His eyes were almond shaped (just like mine) and he had thick eye lashes for a guy.

"Wow that's so cool. What class do you have next?"

"Global studies. Do you think you can point me in the right direction?"

"I'm heading there now. I'll take you."


I walked him to class and we talked the whole way. He sat next to me and we even passed notes. He liked all the stuff I liked and he

was really easy to talk to. He lifted me out of my bad mood.

Have you heard of Gravitation? He wrote.

I think so. It's an anime right? I wrote back.

Yes. My mom created it. I even got to do the singing for the character Shuichi.

OMG no way!

Seriously. I could show you if you like.

I'm free today. I wrote it down a little quickly because he seemed surprised to see it be handed back so fast.

Awesome. I could come over to your house or do you want to come to mine?

I'll go to yours.

Cool. I'll see you at five o' clock then? Here's my number: 374-0922

I'll be there.

Just then a ruler slammed down on my desk and I jumped half out of my seat. I looked up to see our Global Studies teacher, Mrs.

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