Chapter 37: Final Banquet

Start from the beginning

I wasn't looking anywhere but the red carpet as Luke escorted me as we walk towards a stage.

"Woooooah! Is that guy really Zeus!?", asked Jackson behind us.

"Yeah. And there's also my uncle, King David, and my Godfather, Ranseim, AKA the Dark and Light Thunder of the Heavens and the kings of dark and light realms themselves along with the dark and light Queens and Princesses, Aunt Cheska, Yuki, Angelica-nee and Flugel-nee.", answered Gellie who's also behind us.

"You dimwitted idiot!", I said to Luke. "Dont walk too fast!"

"Easy there, Commander. Its not like you to lose your coo- OUCH!", he almost yelled as I pinched his arm.

And soon we finally reached the stage of this overlarge banquet hall and we watched as the Royal Gods of Heaven stood up and I am not so comfortable right now to see these heavenly beings all at once PERSONALLY!

Zeus were on the middle of them and spread his arms wide along with a smile, "Welcome to our newest allies, the best among humans that were recognized by those who are holy and even the oracle, the Squad 44!"

The room became more lively and I cant help but grip Luke's arm out of nervousness and he were whispering many times that I should stop the hell up.

"Gellie..", I whispered as I watch her join her parents happily somewhere far from us.

"We are now celebrating along with our finalization of ally forming as we are now about to face the most grueling and challenging trial that the whole universe could ever face.", said Athena who is beside the stage.

"Moreover, for preparation purposes, we, the Council of Heaven, had agreed that we should take the opportunity of celebration as our final allies had arrived and to celebrate all of here who are gathered not just comrades in war, but comrades in every aspect.", said Queen Cheska with so much elegance. She were wearing a long, dark-red dress and as the rumor proved, her beauty surpasses even Aphrodite!

Luke had nudged me as I am too preoccupied over staring at Queen Cheska's eternal beauty.
"Hey! Say something! You are the leader of Squad 44, remember?"

"No, silly! Its Captain Gellie, for now!", I whispered back, but since we felt that they were waiting for my response, I spoke.

"All hail to the Gods and Goddesses, Archangels and warriors who had gathered here to celebrate our Squad 44's arrival as human representatives of Earth as we all fight together for the Rise of Bahamut. We are all truly pleased and touched to the heart to know that we are so fortunate to be able to live this long enough to took the holy opportunity to fight alongside with the League of Heavenly Allied Forces. Thank you so much for having us. We swore with all our pride as soldiers that we will do what we must do in the battlefield without hesitating upon offering our lives on the line. As our Generals had taught us, We, the NPC Squad 44, is trained to embrace our dreams and protect our honor as soldiers of the Philippines!", I said and I was panting really hard as I finally let that go.

All of them came clapping so hard that we are almost deafened.

"We are also glad to have you, Squad 44.", smiled the legendary hero of the war years ago, King David Lee. "Welcome.. to a new whole world of journey!"

The claps became more louder and wilder and several tables magically appeared on certain areas and we all watch as they were magically filled up with stomach-grinding foods! The smell themselves tastes delicious!

"Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen! Angel, Gods, Warriors, or whatever creature you are!", people laughed in joy as King Ranseim spoke with so much glee, "Let the Banquet Feast for the Squad 44 begin!"

We gasped as something popped on the ceiling and we were rained down with party papers and I really cried to saw a very large banner booming on the hall with the words..

"WELCOME TO OUR FAMILY OF WARRIORS, SQUAD 44!", and on the bottom left corner we saw who did the banner and there was big "FROM: ANGELINA AND THE WHOLE DIVINE REALM!!"

As of this moment all of us didn't manage to hold back our tears of joy. Even Mariah were crying with combined snot.

"Neechaaaaaan!", said Gellie as she were running towards me.

"Come here, my cute little sis!", I said as I wiped my tears and prepared my body upon hugging her.

"Awww. Come on, Jona! You look stupid while crying!", said Jackson.

"You.. shut up!", he replied with a mixture of smile and cry.

"Well, come you guys!", said Princess Angelica while holding upon his boyfriend's arm, Tyron. The princess were wearing long black dress with purple linings on it and she is, undoubtedly, more beautiful than her Mother! Tyron also looks handsome on his pure white formal attire.

"Lets all go and eat on a separate table!", she happily offered and we gladly accepted it.

"Thank you so much for all of this, Princess.", I said to her.

"No worries! After all, you are so dear to us especially to cutie Angelina there.", she kindly replied.

"As long as I am with you, my little sis.", I serenely smiled as I and Gellie walked together while I hold her hand and watch her humming happily.

Eternal Fantasies 2: Rise of BahamutWhere stories live. Discover now