"Percival I do not need your permission. If you're not aware we're not on earth anymore. Every day in space is a fight for survival. I cannot sit around and rely on my friends to protect me all the time. So either you can be my partner like always or go back to the room and wait until I'm done." Charlotte whispers sternly to the small creature. His tail bristles and with a huff he settles upon her shoulder.

"As much as I disapprove I will not sit idly by and have you do this alone." Percy tells her, patting her cheek. The brunette nods double checking to make sure he is secure. She didn't want him flying off her shoulder again.

"Good to see you're still with me." She says, getting into position. Her fingers tapped the button to the communicator on her ear.

"A spear? You sure about that?" Keith questions as Charlotte gets into position. The paladins gathered in the observation deck overhead to monitor how capable she is in battle.

"Something about it just feels natural. Now let's get started shall we?" She shrugs darting toward her first opponent.

The gladiator stood at the ready, a large metallic staff held in a defensive position. Two weapons connect with a metallic clang. Together they clashed repeatedly dodging and swinging their weapon to incapacitate the other. I'm not getting anywhere this way. Unless... A flash of realization washes over her as a small protrusion on the spear's shaft brushes against her index finger. It compacts!

Charlotte presses a button to compress the weapon tossing it through the gladiator's legs. Her body ducks underneath the robots counter swing and rolls behind. She lodges the spear into her opponent's back after returning it to its elongated shape. It slumps to the floor before disappearing through a hole and out of sight.

"How?! It took us all forever to get past that guy!" Lance shouts in her ear. The brunette winces at his outburst but grins to herself. She had a few tricks up her sleeve was all.

"Beginning level two. Good luck Charlie." Shiro speaks readying the next round.

"Bring it on." Charlotte provokes bouncing lightly on her feet. A sliding noise greets her ears as another robot replaces the broken one.

"Do be cautious Charlotte. This is Altean technology after all. A foreign concept to us earthling beings." Percy warns.

"I'll be fi-" A yelp of surprise leaves the brunette's lips as the training robot lunges at her. She instinctively performs a back handspring to put some distance between them. However the robot advances once more not giving her a chance to devise a plan. Comments from the team begin to flood through her earpiece.

"How'd she do that?!" Lance shouts slamming his hands against the control panel.

"Oh man it's gaining on her." Hunk mutters biting his nail in anticipation.

"Guys you're probably not helping. Kick its butt Charlotte!" Pidge cheers throwing a fist into the air.

"You'll need to relax if you want to win. Dodging won't gain you any ground." Shiro says calmly. His gray eyes following her movements.

"Don't get distracted or you'll get taken out. Focus on your opponent, watch their movements and find a pattern. Once you do seize the moment and strike." Keith's voice overpowered the others offering advice. Charlotte thanks him and shuts off the communicator to concentrate.

"How come she listens to you more than the rest of us? We can be helpful too!" Lance complains looking over at Keith. The violet-eyed boy continued to stare out the window watching Charlotte from his seat.

"I guess we just have a mutual understanding of each other." Keith brushes it off nonchalantly resting his elbows on the console in front of him.

Turquoise eyes focus on the gladiator her spear clutched in a defensive position. "Every three swings it's right foot moves backwards momentarily shifting its balance." She mutters to herself blocking two out of three hits earning a jab in the side. Charlotte grunts at the impact swiping her spear at the android's feet as it steps back for another attack sending it to the ground. "Checkmate!" She shouts slamming her blade into its chest with a crunch.

Wanderlust (Keith Kogane x OC) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now