Thirty Below, Will Clear Up (S)

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TW: Always be cautious when driving, guys

Another smash to the out dated heater was just as futile as the fist's effort before it. Low puffs of warm air stewed centimetres in front of the vents before falling against the icy weather that seeped into the truck. Windshield wipers slapped in time with the exasperated chuckle. Along with the snow that gradually collected on the glass corners, it all slowly came to be miserably accepted.

Headlights were spotted by the heavy snow that continued to pelt the highway, hiding other cars until directly in front, always causing for a curse to burst from Sips' lungs. Breaks, foul language, and an adjustment of his coat, all in perfect unaware routine.

Cigarette ends cluttered his ashtray, new additions joining as rolls were pulled from his pocket, finding it to be one of the only things keeping him warm. A click of his signal and a cautious merge pulled him into the slowest of the three lanes, needing to give his mind a small break from the ongoing five hour journey.

Peering to the snowfall dotted signs at the side of the road, it was another low groan as the next pit stop claimed to be a large distance away. Gripping the steering wheel harder, the squeak from the material lacked volume to break his mind from the simmering irritation. Sips could only focus his eyes back to the slipping past signs. Another small city to pass through, another mileage marker, another driving PSA reminder, and then a body, with their thumb stretched out.

Sips' foot found the break before his mind could decide, easing the paint chipped truck into the road's shoulder. Even before he rolled down his passenger side window, he could feel the stranger second guessing their hitchhiking decision. "Are you immune to wind chill or something?! You have a death wish?"

The stranger took an unsteady step back into the snowbank behind him, caught off guard by the fervour in Sips' words. "Um... no?" His voice barely cracked above the whipping wind.

Sips sucked at his teeth as he tried to control his volume, "Well just get in here already. You're making me into a fish stick just looking at you." A minor reaching struggle popped the door open, Sips taking a quick breather in his stretched position before sitting back to his side of the car.

There was only winter silence as the other man climbed into the car with minimal effort, his long legs doing most of the work. His dufflebag fell between his legs, crushing whatever fast food wrappers Sips had left on his car floor. The door slammed shut with an unsettling metallic noise, but proved to be less of an importance as the man stared in bewilderment at the roller windows before winding the crank to fully close out the weather.

Sips watched the stranger let out a shuddering breath that matched his body, hands rubbing himself down to warm his exposed skin. The outlandish sight of the man's thin clothes sparked Sips' head to shake; it was more than obvious the stranger didn't understand the concept of winter.

"Buckle up. I'm getting this show on the road." Pulling the parking break up in preparation, Sips checked his mirrors for oncoming traffic.

The man coughed as he snapped the seatbelt buckle in place, adjusting the strap to sit lower on his chest. "Wh-where are we going, um, sir?"

An airy chuckle vented from Sips as he took an extra moment of caution before merging back to the road. "I was going to ask you that. Pretty sure we're not going to the same place buster." A click to turn off his signal and Sips sunk back to his seat, getting ready for another long stretch of driving. "And it's Sips by the way."

The man's knees seemed to glue together, "I'm Sjin..." His voice crackled, the cold winds sinking their toll into his body. "And... anywhere."

"Anywhere?" Sips' raised eyebrow turned into two as one couldn't move without the other. "You on some kind of new age spiritual road trip?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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