Miss Bacon (N)

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Part 50! Woo!

TW: Smut, Cross Dressing, Lap Dances

Notes: Just in case you haven't watched Sips' and Sjin's vanilla Minecraft series, in the first couple episodes, Sips has a Young Granny Bacon skin. Well my favorite headcanon is Sips dressing up like 'Miss Bacon' for Sjin. It used to be their secret kinky thing. But being so busy in the new series (Old, the tekkit series), she has been hidden away. So here is a tasty little fic where she surprises Sjin and comes back for a visit.

He'll never see it comin'.

Sips smiled at himself in the mirror for a moment, then leaned forward to continue his task. After a few more awkward strokes, he successfully completed applying the mascara to his lashes without managing to poke himself in the eye. Much. He screwed it shut and shoved it back in the bag, rummaging his hand around for a tube of lip gloss.

I can't wait to see his face when he sees me.

It had been quite some time since he treated Sjin. The first time they met, Sips was all dolled up. In fact, he used to dress up like Miss Bacon all the time for Sjin. But the novelty wore off after a while, and the outfit was moved into storage. But when they were packing for their adventure to their new base, Sips came across the outfit, and couldn't resist bringing it.
Rubbing his now glossy lips together, Sips couldn't help but notice how big and bright his eyes looked when painted. He grinned to himself, and reached into the chest for the final touch. Carefully, he slipped the red wig over his short dark hair. He focused intently for a moment on making sure it wasn't crooked.

Sips stopped to check himself out in the mirror, smirking. He batted his eyelashes at his reflection, taking them for a test drive. He snickered at himself.

"God, check out that sexy bitch." Sips couldn't help but compliment himself aloud. He checked out his full reflection in the tight, short skirt and blouse, stockings and boots, adjusting the clothing (and himself) so that he was totally ready.

While applying these final touches, Sips noticed a few dark tufts of hair patching through the wig's brightly colored fringe, but he didn't bother tucking them in. He knew Sjin appreciated the imperfections; in fact, he preferred them. He once even begged Sips not to shave his leg hair or chest hair.

Suddenly aware he was wasting time, Sips crossed the room to check his clock; the sun was starting to set. Sjin would certainly be back any time now. Not much time to clean up this mess and set up the room.

As Sips shoved his space suit into the laundry and hid the makeup bag in a chest, his mind raced. He was anxious to see Sjin's face, that look in his eye that only Miss Bacon earned. Almost... a possessive look. Much more aggressive than Sjin's usual demeanor.

And since the outfit had the exact opposite effect on Sips, it worked out rather well.

He headed downstairs, and pulled a chair into the center of the room. He quickly extinguished all the lights and set a few torches directly on the floor around the chair. He placed a record on the player. It had to be set up, so it was ready. So as soon as Sjin got home, there was no mistaking it.

Miss Bacon was back.

Sips had just walked into the next room to extinguish one last torch, when the mechanical sounds of the pistons that moved the front door hit his ears.

"Sips?" Sjin's voice questioningly echoed through the large silent room as he climbed down the ladder.

"Nope. He left for the night." Sips called back. He stepped through the doorway into the fickle light put off by the torches scattered around the room.

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