Beautiful (S)

243 11 1

TW: Teen!Cast, supportive relationships

The sun filtered in through the window opposite their bedrolls, illuminating the dust specks floating about in the air.

"Nmmm," Sjin whined as he buried his head further into the crook of Sips' neck. Sips didn't mind. His mind was a blur from the day before.

They'd had a sleepover. Well, more like a "I go over to your house and we stay up all night talking about random things" fest. Sjin's parents had left them alone, and Sips was just glad to be away from home for a while, what with his dad and all...

It still felt... strange, though. They left them, with nothing more than a glance, had dinner at the table, and fell asleep, quite quickly, afterwards. It was like they didn't care about Sips being with Sjin... and of course they shouldn't have! It wasn't like they were dating or anything... not yet..

Were they just friends? It seemed like so much more than that. Best friends didn't even cover it, and the term "BFF" was so wrapped in pink lace Sips could choke on the gender stereotypes. They weren't just friends, of course not. But they weren't boyfriends, exactly. They didn't kiss... much. In private only, as had been the case last night... They just... fit with one another. They could go on for ages talking about nothing in particular. They seemed to compliment the other's actions, in everything they did. Sips wasn't too shabby at maths. Sjin was a whiz at Humanities. So they studies together, chatted together, even poked fun at some of the bullies together. Everything seemed brighter with Sjin, everything seemed colorful. Sips felt like he was a stronger person for it, that he could stand up without falling down.

He suspected Sjin felt the same way... or at least, he hoped. But hoping was stupid, and dreams were a thing left untouched by the teen. That was Sjin's world... dreaming. Dreaming, and accomplishing those dreams, and moving into better dreams! The way his eyes lit up and how he rested his head in his hands when thinking. His stupid wispy "beard". It wasn't even a beard. It was some peach fuzz. But Sips... Sips found it... endearing. That was the word.

Words somehow couldn't describe how he felt. He was never one to use words, anyways. Sips was, well, his reputation was... difficult. If he told Sjin anything, something that proved how much he... how much he... did Sips dare to even think of the L-word?
After hearing so many things, so much hate, against men who liked other men... it was... terrifying to even think of his emotions. It didn't feel unnatural. It didn't feel like he was sick or anything. It just felt like... like... love.

All he wanted was to just be around Sjin, in private. PDA made Sips a nervous train wreck. People always stared, always looked at them... their eyes just... waited. They waited for Sips to do something wrong, to prove how wrong he was, to- just to scare him.
But in private, to just be alone with Sjin like last night, not doing anything except for talking and laughing and watching him giggle at the things Sips said, and being able to hug him and to just embrace him and... well, maybe to kiss him... to be free of people. Screw people. They watched. They waited. It wasn't a good feeling.
Sips could let Sjin wrap his arms around him. He could hug back, for once. They could fall asleep on their blue and orange bedrolls like the dumb babbies they were. They could fall asleep in each other's arms... just lying there as the clock ticked to 2 AM...


The clock. It was still a weekday, and the sun was out. The sun was never out at-

Dammit, they were going to be late for school!

Sips kicked the blanket off and rushed out the door. Sjin groaned and scratched his head.

"Sips?" He asked drowsily.

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