Fun Solution (N)

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TW: Masturbation, getting walked in on

Sometimes the arousal came out of nowhere, and Sips found himself growing harder by the minute, even without being particularly horny.

This time, he was horny. He had just come out of the shower and dried himself off, as a faint memory of Sjin in a loincloth came to mind. How many times he'd wanted to bend that son of a bitch over and take him dressed like that, he'd lost count of. It'd been a while since he'd seen that loincloth.

Reaching down absent-mindedly for his arousal, he began stroking himself gently, wondering if Sjin still had that piece of garment anywhere, and if, by any chance, Sjin would wear it for him if he asked him to.

The very thought of it, the thought of Sjin completely nude except for a patch of cloth covering his delicates, seductively inviting him to fuck him senseless, made Sips feel warm all over his body. The pace of the stroking increased, and he had to lean himself against the tiled wall with the other hand in order to keep himself upright.

Before he knew it, there was a quick knock on the bathroom door, quickly succeeded by the door in question opening. "Sips, I just need to get my—"

"Sjin, what the hell!" Sips howled, his voice cracking with embarrassment as he reached for a towel with which to hide his shame. "Ever heard of privacy?! Jesus Christ, Sjin!" He felt the heat rise to his face and he was certain that he had turned a vibrant shade of red. "Get outta here!"

With a squeak that might have been an attempt at an apology, Sjin slipped out the door and closed it.

His face burning with fluster, Sips slapped a hand to his face and ran his palm along his hot skin. He groaned with frustration. "Goddammit," he whispered. His arousal was still present, but Sips wasn't in the mood to give it the attention it needed. "Goddammit," he repeated.

There was another knock at the door. "Sipsy?" The door didn't open this time, thankfully, and Sjin remained on the other side of it.

Sips wrapped his towel around his waist and tucked it neatly so it would stay up, before walking up to the door. He didn't open it.

"Yeah, Sjin?" He was happy to hear that his voice sounded steady.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barged in like that. You okay?"

Sighing heavily, Sips replied, "I'm embarrassed as fuck."

He was met with silence for a couple of seconds before Sjin replied again: "We, uh... I think I know how to make this situation less awkward."

"What are you talking about?"

"Open the door?"

Hesitantly, Sips creaked the door open, looking up at Sjin's warm, blue eyes. There was the faintest trace of a smile on his lips.

"What's your great idea, buster?"

Sjin's minute smile broke into a mischievous grin, and Sips knew he was either going to hate or love what was to come.

"You, uh," Sjin began, his eyes glancing down at Sips' naked torso. "You looked pretty hot there with your dick in your hand. Were you thinking of me?"

It took Sips a while to realise what he'd just said. It then took him a few moments more to understand what Sjin had in store. A lopsided grin grew on his face.

"Of course I was, ya ding-dong. You interrupt my thoughts as rudely as you interrupt my shower."

Sjin giggled happily, and reached his hand over to run his fingertips along Sips' jawline. "Did you... did you imagine me bent over? Or perhaps I was on my knees with my mouth around your dick?"

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