Best Served Cold (S)

213 6 1

TW: Angst, MCD

It was a quiet morning on the compound. Birds sang from the trees, squids swam about in the quarry, zombies burned in the sunlight. Sips was still lying, snoring in his bed, half in and half out of the tangled mess of sheets. Sjin was already up and dressed, eager to get to work. He stood by Sips' bed and put his hands on his hips.

"Sips." He said sternly.

All he gained was an incoherent and most likely rude grumble in response as Sips gathered up his sheets and rolled over, away from Sjin, burrowing deeper into the warmth. With a sigh, Sjin grabbed the edge if the sheets and yanked them right off.

"What the hell, Sjin!" Sips whined, glaring at him with one sleepy eye.

"It's time to get up! We've still got work to do." He rummaged through Sips' chest, searching for the armour that he'd chucked in there last night. Sips grumbled again, peering at Sjin over his shoulder.

"Don't you think we've done enough already? We've got the power tower, all that lava, full nano armour! Have the girl guides even made their first cookie yet?"

"No," his solar helmet landed on the foot of his bed with a soft thump, "But that doesn't mean they've spent their time doing nothing. What if they're just as juiced up as us, maybe more? What if they ice us because we're actually woefully unprepared?"

"At least if we get killed I could finally get some rest and not have to listen to you complain all day."

Sjin frowned, pausing in his search for armour, a look of real hurt etched across his features.

"That's not very nice, Sips." He muttered, shuffling from one foot to the other.

Whether Sips was ignoring him or had already managed to fall asleep again he wasn't sure, but either way he got no response. Eyes downcast, search for armour abandoned, he gathered up his own things and left the building. Consulting the to-do list briefly, he headed to the far north of their border to work on the wall that enclosed them.


It was around midday when he looked up from his work to check the position of the sun as it moved lazily across a sea of clear blue, and saw the figure flying far above him. He smiled to himself as he tracked the figure's movements for a while, thinking it was Sips, having decided to – finally - get up and start working, trying to discreetly check on him. He waved, a cheeky grin crossing his face as the figure hurriedly disappeared over a hill, appearing to drop down near the decoy headquarters they'd set up across from Honeydew Inc.

Soon the sun was dropping, nearly touching the horizon, sending a pale orange wash across the land. Sjin stood, half-covered by shadows, in the corner section of the wall, putting the last few blocks down. Finally finished he stepped back, admiring his handiwork. He was starting the second part of construction – digging away the dirt around the edges, inside and out – when a shadow fell over him. It took him a moment to realise that Sips had landed on the wall behind him. Digging up one last block he turned, giving a dramatic sweep of his arms, gesturing proudly to the completed wall.

"What do you think?" he asked, giving the wall a bit of a slap. "Nice and sturdy. Listen, if you help me dig this out tomorrow, we could-"

He looked at Sips properly for the first time since their argument that morning. But it wasn't Sips standing on the wall, staring him down.

Brown hair spiked back, a small light stripe on the left. Narrowed gray eyes flashing with unbridled malice. Beneath the mask Sjin knew those scarred lips were sneering at him. He held a red-matter sword in a white-knuckled grip.

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